The magnitude by which electricity overcomes the force of gravity,
is rivaled only by the magnitude by which the Big Lies of our
government and the Trilateralists have overcome our rationality.
These IllumiNazi Big Lies about “aliens” are disseminated through
all the mass media. Someday there should be justice by public trial
and punishment of the traitors who have perverted the instruments of
democracy, and are entitled to none of our protections, which they
seek to destroy. They who have made war on our Bill of Rights and
Constitution should have to defend themselves without their
Without our consent, the Secret Government is consciously waging
psychological warfare against us, in violation of our right to
government only by our consent. They use movies, T.V., books,
magazines, advertising, children’s stories, and all forms of
propaganda, from the cradle to the grave, to criminally undermine
and subvert the epistemological underpinnings of rational existence.
We have not ‘consented’ to a fraud of which we are unaware.
government, on behalf of the TC/CFR, has created the whole “alien”
scenario, to brainwash us. So what is their purpose? To conceal
flying saucer technology from us, and to stretch our credulities so
we will believe the Big Lies. Control is the name of the game, and
they have it. Flying saucer technology would break that control, so
we don’t have it. Are we a nation of wimps who will do nothing about
According to one nutty writer1, the purpose is either to fabricate a
phony alien threat, so as to unite the world under a one-world
fascist/socialist TC/CFR/Bilderberger/Illuminati dictatorship, or to
render the world’s people into subservience to actual aliens with
whom they have cut a deal, and he thinks it is all the fault of the
Unfortunately, neither of these conclusions is correct, though the
first one contains a germ of truth, in the fabrication of a phony
alien threat, but in view of the two purposes I stated above, this
wacky theory is perceived as just as misinformational as the crap
emitted by the CIA’s or O.N.I.’s covert agents in UFOlogy. The phony
‘alien’ threat was derived from a public speech by Ronald Reagan
regarding the effects of an hypothetical alien threat, which in a
paranoid’s mind, is the kind of hype to be used to appeal to a
bewildered constituency, so they can be unwittingly used to spread
the dumb idea that the alien propaganda is intended to scare us into
the arms of the NWO, or is a leak from the inside regarding a deal
the government has with the aliens.
Such wacky propaganda is induced by a shell game: “Will those who
have lost track of the real issue please raise their hands.” The
real issue is saucer technology. The controllers get their control
over us with our money. The TC/CFR bunch have exclusive control over
the saucer, since it is the most perfect instrument for ‘world
surveillance’, and because its availability to the public would
eventually destroy the economic power they now wield over us,
through their control over energy, transportation and communications
resources which we pay them for every day, so we “can’t have it”.
The plan will work only if they can maintain this exclusivity, which
can only be
maintained through continued ultra-secrecy and the help of dupes,
and anyone else
1Milton William Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse, Light Technology
stupid enough to believe the CIA UFOlogists, in spreading the
misinformation of alien origins of saucer technology. Since saucer
construction is rather easy to duplicate, once the simple principles
are known, even the scantiest secrets related to it are protected.
That is the reason there has been no open saucer usage in any of our
wars since 1945, even though this would have guaranteed clean and
complete victories and prevented further loss of American lives.
These facts show the ultimate treason through which these people
have abused us, the ‘paying’ and purported ‘owning’ parties, while
the CRF/TC enjoy exclusive use of ‘our’ saucers as ‘their’ special
The second idea, that our government may have cut a deal with
“aliens”, was just plumb dumb. It was so dumb, that William Cooper,
one of those who adopted this story, changed his tune the moment he
bought a copy of my first edition, with the idea that he could
abandon his old stuff and take credit for my claim of “exclusively
human origin”, so long as he never cited my book or told anyone that
I had ‘converted’ him to the idea, but people noticed anyway, drat
it! But Cooper still doesn’t get it.
The manipulators of the TC/CFR have the mentalities of sociopathic
ants. Their whole method was copied, then cynically perverted from
an original idea of Nikola Tesla, before the ultimate destruction of
the League of Nations, eventually brought about by Cecil Rhodes’
British Round Table Group, and its American branch, which fused in
1919 into the new international British-American organization, known
in America as the CFR (“Council on Foreign Relations”), and in
Britain as the I.I.A. (“Institute for International Affairs”).
had naively offered his flying saucer invention to the Geneva
Convention and League of Nations, as an ultimate ‘police vehicle’
with which to patrol the world to maintain peace. His dislike of the
new British-American organization was reflected by his
disillusionment when the League of Nations was emasculated by the
new group.
Meanwhile, the CFR/IIA was stealing his greatest invention, for its
own exclusive use in the inobsequious world dictatorship we now
have, using covert manipulation by war. Rather than maintaining
peace, the war profiteers create the divide-and-conquer conditions
leading to wars, profiting by them, then use the resultant wars,
surrenders and ‘peace negotiations’ as pretexts to constantly
restructure the world, profiting by them.
The man who stabbed Tesla
in the back, then twisted the hilt, was none other than J.P. Morgan,
a member of the CFR, who was already a dictator of American energy
and communications. Morgan suckered Tesla in, in a most treacherous
and sadistic manner, seeking to completely crush him emotionally,
driving him into a psychological turmoil and destitution from which
he was never intended to return.
The TC/CFR/IIA like things just the way they have them, don’t want
to rock the
boat, and fear most of all, significant change, since fluxing of
conditions could induce
unpredictable widespread free communications, which could awaken the
people to the
scam. That is the reason they sought to shut down the computer
Internet in 1995. When
they control the purse strings of the world, and soak up all the
revenues of the people of
America just to pay the interest on our ‘national debt’, why would
they want an obvious
‘world dictatorship’, which would kill the goose that laid the
golden egg? So long as we
slaves keep our noses to the grindstones, they have it made.
only thing which would
induce them to take drastic action, would be if the public suddenly
becomes aware of the
Big Picture. They won’t create tumultuous conditions which they
can’t control, and
anything ‘spontaneous’ must be brought under control to the ends
they desire. That is
the reason the TC/CFR media have taken unfair advantage of the
Oklahoma bombing of
Apr. 19, 1995, by misdirecting the public outrage over the bombing,
from those responsible, to the grass roots sovereignty movement,
militia movement, constitutionalists, and in general, all those who
are critical of the government, know about the Banksters, have
documentation to prove it, and are awakening the rest of the people
to the total abnegation of American sovereignty by these worldists.
Though the Bilderberg group’s public emergence can be traced to
1952, its name supposedly derived from the place of their supposed
“first meeting” at the Bilderberg Hotel in Holland in 1954. This
group has a much older, but perhaps not so clear, origin.
“Bilderberger” is a German word meaning “picture merchant”, denoting
the internationalists who have for centuries used paintings and art
as a store of wealth, as a hedge against inflation, and as a compact
means of transportation of their wealth from one country to the
That is the reason so many unscrupulous and ruthless people,
such as Armand Hammer, have had so much of their wealth tied up in
valuable paintings and other art. And that is where the famous Dutch
Hotel got its name, since these people came so often to Holland to
conceal the loot which they as dictators or just plain high-placed
thieves, had accumulated in the countries which they had so often
throughout history, stripped of wealth.
For centuries, Holland was the place to discretely buy and sell
valuable pieces of art, and to convert them into and out of the
various currencies of the world at current values, avoiding
inflation, taxes and prying eyes. The Dutch, like the Swiss and
their banking interests, have always been accommodating, and named a
hotel after their infamous guests, many years before the formal
meeting in 1954.
I first heard about the Bilderbergers in 1960, from
a person who had known about them since before the depression. I
once knew an old Dutchman who as a boy at the turn of the century,
acted as an inconspicuous, secret courier, riding his bicycle,
carrying various currencies for the Bilderbergers from country to
country in the lowlands, usually at night, until he received a
serious, life-long injury when he was run over by a coach one rainy
dark night.
The TC/CFR/Secret Government, has consistently used the mass media
to convince us that flying saucers are from outer space, rather than
being man-made, and to my knowledge, this is the first book or any
other media production, which makes the unequivocal, categorical
assertion that they are exclusively man-made, and that NO EVIDENCE
If anyone believes that the use of mass media for such purposes is
just “harmless
entertainment”, they should have watched the two-part miniseries,
Intruders, aired by
C.B.S. on May 17 and 19, 1992. The scenario left no doubt that the
intent was to beg the question that flying saucers are
“extraterrestrial spacecraft”, to intimidate and threaten us, and to
falsely convince us of the following ominous things:
(a) That aliens are “with us” (b)
that our government “knows it” (c) that the government’s policy of secrecy
is “for our own good” and “justified” (d) that the government will hurt
you if you don’t comply (e) that anyone who actively resists, will
commit “professional suicide”, or worse
That man does not possess this
(simple) technology.
If anyone has any doubts as to the CIA’s
harassment of independent flying saucer investigators, the following
facsimile clipping regards oppression of them by the CIA.

We can use the CIA’s own analytical techniques against it. The gist
of the
government’s primary motivations can be reduced to protecting the
interests, by concealing the Secret Government’s flying saucer
surveillance of us, and
the elite’s energy, technological, and transportation cartel. The
rest of the garbage is
merely a “means to an end”.
Through false propaganda rumors about
they have duped support for their policy, based on the false premise
that the “end”
(prevention of widespread panic over the fictitious “alien
presence”) justifies the
“means” (government mass-media brainwashing and intimidation of men,
women, and
children), while on the ‘public’ level, a phony alien threat is
“implied” by the media, and
used to psychologically intimidate reticence to the TC/CFR
Illuminati leadership.
we recognize the FACTS that THERE ARE NO ALIENS ON EARTH, and that
USE AGAINST US WITHOUT OUR KNOWLEDGE, it naturally follows that
access to flying saucer technology, conceived by an American citizen
YEARS AGO, will remove the PRIMARY motivational basis for the world
corporate-state conspiracy, and destroy their BIG LIE PROPAGANDA
In examining these hoaxes, one cannot fail to see a connection to
the ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, and their worship of Osiris, as
well as other ancient esoteric suggestions, which is because the
Nazi intelligence planners in the CIA are fond of such esoterica. In
my chapters III and VI, I give you some of the mythological
foundations for this religion, which is over 6,000 years old. The
Egyptians, who did not originate this belief system, which came from
Asia, used a whole system of myths to control everything, just as
the Illuminati does today.
This has been a role model for
totalitarian designers throughout history. The Egyptians’
‘enemies’—the Sea Peoples, Assyrians, Babylonians, Amorites,
Sumerians, Akkadians, Chaldeans, Greeks, etc.—shared this same
ancient nature religion, and could be ‘spiritually’ manipulated by
Egypt, which practiced the religion in its most highly classicized
form, the Mecca of sun worship, just as Rome became the home of the
Roman Catholic Church. This is the “secret of the ages”: Mysticism!
Those who can be suckered in by it, are putty in the mystics’ hands,
the hands of those who only use mysticism as a means of control. And
those who resist, can be killed by those who follow, all in the name
of “God”, “Ra”, “Mohammed”, “Stalin”, “The Fatherland”, etc. Marx
stated that “religion is the opiate of the people”, but he failed to
point out that he also was a religious mystic, who asked his
followers to believe in the “mystical power” of THE COLLECTIVE, on
faith rather than reason.
I would further define “mystics”, as those
who seek to gain values from others, or to deny others the use of
their own minds as individuals, on the basis of “special powers”
which can’t be proven and must be accepted on “faith”, so as to
control them. This always involves some form of mysticism, as any
con-artist could tell you. And the bottom line is, THERE ARE NO
Socialism, Communism, Fascism and Naziism are inventions of the
Illuminati, theo-statist “masks”, which make the citizens pay for
their own bureaucratic enslavement and “social and economic
benefits”, while the elite remain in secret control of the world,
increasing and using their illicitly gained profit and power for
themselves, without bearing any responsibility for the wrongs they
inflict, since the guilt for this is thereby scapegoated to the
citizens and their puppetized ‘leaders’.
Karl Marx and the Illuminati
which backed him, took the Judeo-Christian
“you-are-your-brother’s-keeper” conscience, and perverted it into a
“statist conscience”, under a “state religion” with moral and
physical damnation of non-believers (“heretics”), while the people
shared the poverty, false guilt and weakness thus created.
The Roswell Rhesus Monkey Hoax and Other Such Outrageous Shams
In the late ‘40s, when Hollywood’s emerging “space age” special
effects were funky and humorous by today’s standards, the special
effects of the personnel of Holloman A.F.B. at Alamogordo, White
Sands Missile Range, and Walker Air Force Base at Roswell, were even
funkier. They executed the stupid 1947 hoax which is sometimes
called the “MJ-12” incident or “The Roswell Incident”, but which I
call “The Roswell Rhesus Monkey Hoax”.
Until 1952, Wernher von Braun
was working at Ft.
Bliss (as Director of Research, U.S. Army Ordnance Guided Missile
Command), from
which post he continued to conduct V-2 (A-9, V-6, V-7) tests at
nearby White Sands
Proving Grounds, while other tests were being conducted on the
rocket sled at Alamogordo, using rhesus monkies in G-suits, to
determine the limits of human G-force endurance and other problems
of high performance flight in conventional high performance aircraft
(necessary to sustain conventional aeronautics on a high level in
order to stave off demands for the saucer technology in national
security groups).
In 1952, the researchers switched to chimpanzees
in A-9 tests. The chimps were much easier to control and less
dangerous and problematic for personnel to handle.
In the original 1947 hoax, a small, comic-strip-type flying
saucer—around twelve feet in. diameter, constructed of stock sheet
aluminum, rivets, screws, bar stock and molding, with a plastic
“bubble-canopy” for the ‘pilot’, and an old automotive antenna with
a ball on its tip projecting from the top of the bubble—was placed
in a spot about four miles from Walker A.F.B., on the ranch of a
cooperating co-conspirator. Four rhesus monkies, which had been
shaved, dyed green, and outfitted with corny little “space suits”,
complete with little ‘space’ helmets, were strewn near the fake
saucer. News leaks were arranged by the intelligence “E. & D”
(Evaluation and Dissemination) Officer, as the ‘crashed alien flying
saucer’ and the four ‘space aliens’ were ‘found’ by the military
authorities. Just like in a third-grade play, only this scenario was
worse. Just imagine “Peter Pan” being performed by a bunch of G.I.s.
The Alamogordo intelligence personnel even purchased the green
pigment—dry tempera pigment—from our family business, and I even
showed them how to apply it by rubbing it on dry, just like on
“limed oak” furniture I showed people how to finish. Our business
was the best art supply, decorating and paint contracting business
in the region, and Alamogordo had none. My father and I even
decorated the new house of Robert O. Anderson, in Hondo (near
Roswell) about 1951.
By our present standards, the mock flying saucer was a grossly
amateurish attempt to foist a corny hoax upon the public. ‘Leaks’ to
the news media, including a few ridiculous photos of the saucer
(which would have been prohibited if the events were true), and the
dead monkies in the corny ‘space suits’ (the monkey-sized G-suits
used in the acceleration experiments), were publicized in
newspapers, and eventually found then- way to magazines, despite the
immediate attempts by the startled and angered Pentagon officials to
retrieve all the evidence.
The whole confused scenario and withdrawn publishings, created even more weirdness. One of the P.I.O.s (Public
Information Officers) of Army Air Corps Intelligence, Walther Haut,
sent out the initial press releases to area newspapers, announcing
the recovery of an “alien flying saucer”, including 8” x 10” black
and white glossies, showing the ‘captured’ saucer and ‘aliens’.
Haut, who now runs a “Flying Saucer Museum” in Roswell, New Mexico,
has made no references to those photos in any of his recent
That is because he was then, and still is, an employee
of the intelligence community. Fortunately for the Pentagon, the
photos were sent only to regional, small-town letterpress
newspapers, few of which possessed the means to reproduce the photos
in 1947, without first having half-tone photo-engravings produced in
larger cities. This gave the Pentagon more time to get most of them
back before publication, or to stop the papers before they were
In preparing for the hoax, regional military intelligence personnel
had created a
‘crash site’ with a bull dozer, on the rancher’s property, by making
a huge gash in the
ground. Whoever was handling the dozer that day was a bit
heavy-handed. The ‘saucer’
however, was obviously a stupid hoax, as there was no way that the
flimsy little craft,
without a dent or hole in it, could have plowed such a gaping hole
in the hard and rocky,
sun-baked desert ground. The photos of the 12-foot diameter fake
saucer had become
known to many people, yet today, I seem to be the only person who
recalls them.
the initial photos—already prepared before the crash—were issued
immediately after the
purported ‘crash’, personnel had insufficient time to fabricate the
fake saucer afterward,
so the initial photos from the Army Air Corps, of the original fake
saucer, without a
speck of dust or a dent on it, represented physical evidence of the
hoax perpetrated by
them. Further proof that the photos were taken before the hoax was
executed was the
fact that the junky little saucer was photographed in a hanger (at
Walker or Holloman),
while the “aliens” (i.e., rhesus monkies, completely dressed in
their G-suits), were
photographed in an Air Force laboratory, not at the hospital, most
probably at Holloman
A.F.B. at Alamogordo.
That was prior to their removal to the hoax
site, thence to the infirmary at Roswell. After the hoax, the
G-suits were removed for ‘medical’ purposes, except for a couple of
the monkies, which were raising a horrible stench, because they had
relieved their bowels in the G-suits, upon death days before, and
the hot desert sun had accelerated the fermentation of the monkey
excreta and corpses, after their removal from the morgue at
Years later, a photo of a supposedly operational, 60-foot diameter,
jet-powered saucer designed by Schriever in WWII Germany, was
leaked, but that scenario was withdrawn, since it verified a German
saucer program, although a disinformational branch intended to hide
the true electrically-powered project at Peenemunde. The initial
evidence which reached certain members of the public, had already
revealed the initial hoax to intelligent but somewhat confused
The latter leaked photo showing the Nazi saucer designed
by Schriever, made in Czechoslovakia during the war, part of the
saucer stuff rounded up by General Patton and transported to New
Mexico along with the rest of the German saucer projects, around
September, 1945, under Operation Paperclip. Since it wasn’t one of
the highly classified “electro-saucers”, the photo did little harm,
and had a ‘professionally constructed’ appearance, intended to
overcome the poor craftsmanship and design of the fake saucer. It
was a ‘withdrawn hoax’, however, since it tended to acknowledge a
crash which conflicted with the later “weather balloon hoax”
concocted by the Pentagon to conceal the first bungled hoax.
Because of all the gross stupidities and miscalculations on the part
of the initial huxters, the initial scenario was obliterated by
subsequent weather balloon stuff which was only slightly less
stupid, but the initial 1947 hoax, 38 years before the third, 1985
“MJ-12” hoax, still contained ‘salvageable parts’ as far as the
Pentagon huxters were concerned. The Pentagon team had taken great
pains to carefully obliterate and omit the dumb photos of the
original saucer and monkies, which clearly smells of a Pentagon
“cover-up” of its hoax, while, the public, most of whom never saw
the photos, failed to realize that what was being “covered up” was
not an “alien crash”, but an unauthorized ‘wildcat’ hoax, not
cleared through the Pentagon, created by ex-Nazi military
‘intelligence’ personnel, which was bungled by lack of special
effects expertise.
The ‘salvageable’ parts of the first hoax, which provided the
precedent of a
mystified ‘alien saucer’ incident, together with the ‘government
cover-up’, were reborn
as a third, MJ-12 hoax, complete with a set of fake, newly created
and planted
‘presidential orders’, obtained through the “freedom of information
act” This new
scenario was written by a team of Ph.D.s, submitted to a secret
committee, and approved
by them.
Even so, that scenario has been called a hoax by the
government itself, since it
also conflicted with the second, “weather balloon hoax”, which has
now become the
“official” position, because government officials are absolutely
forbidden to acknowledge the existence of flying saucers, be they
fake ‘alien’ ones, or real, ‘man- made’ ones. In order for the
government to drop back to the second hoax, it was necessary for
them to admit that the third, MJ-12 hoax, was a hoax.
It took them
some time to realize that the second hoax was better, because it
allowed them to simply deny questions about ‘aliens’ which did not
in reality exist. Also, it was necessary to insure, through their
control of UFOlogy groups, that only the ‘right’ (i.e., “wrong”)
questions were asked in the petition now known as “The Roswell
It would seem that, with the 38-year lapse between the first and
second hoax, they could have done a better job, but alas, the
government bunglers screwed up again. The error involved slander and
fraud against deceased presidents Truman and Eisenhower, by forging
their names on false documents which alleged an incident which never
occurred. Such fraud and slander should not have been treated so
lightly by law enforcement authorities in respect to the arrogant
Pentagon officials, who clearly overstepped their authority, by
falsifying actions taken by former (deceased) commanders-in-chief,
ex post facto.
At the time of my 1993 first edition I was unaware that the original
photos had become completely ‘unavailable’. Though I was unable to
find my copies of them to include in this book, I assumed they were
known to the usual saucer investigator, and proceeded to point out
facts which I thought would be obvious to anyone examining them.
Then I was astounded in late 1993, to discover that no ‘civilians’
involved in UFOlogy knew of or said a thing about the old photos. I
knew that I hadn’t seen the two photos, given to me in 1970 by a
newsman, or my magazine showing the photos, since 1974.
These stupid
photos infuriated Pentagon officials, by revealing the identities of
the “aliens” as shaved rhesus monkies, in a hoax which was an
amateurish attempt to convince the public that the German flying
saucers seen by so many people in the area, were “extraterrestrial”.
The Pentagon would never have approved the hoax beforehand, and the
original hoax, as perpetrated, would never have held up, because it
was too amateurishly funny!
What the photos showed, as purported “space aliens”, were shaved
rhesus monkies, wearing monkey-sized, machine-sewn, G-suits with the
pressure lines and lacings, equipped with oxygen tubes, helmets, and
other equipment, identical to those of the X-15 rocket plane test
pilots, for whose benefits the monkey tests were conducted, to
accumulate data from rocket sled tests at Alamogordo, on the outer
parameters of G-forces which humans could withstand. The helmets
concealed the small sizes of the upper craniums of the monkeys,
later exaggerated in the “official standard alien” model.
In view of the original hoax, the MJ-12 documents were apparently
intended to
retroactively convince us that “space aliens” from millions of light
years away,
possessing ‘superior intelligence’, had come to Roswell. It was
contemplated that the
public could still be convinced of this, provided the scenario was
presented without the
photos, which by the poor judgment of the 1947 military intelligence
personnel were
considered “convincing”. The third-rate ‘saucer kitsch’—the rhesus
monkies in G-suits,
and the junky little saucer of such poor craftsmanship that a
California hot-rodder would
have been ashamed—had to be concealed.
The recently fabricated
‘presidential orders’
of “MJ-12” were intended to resuscitate the original “aliens”—minus
the dumb
photos—despite the obvious fact that beings of sufficiently high
intelligence would
never have contacted jerks at Roswell or Alamogordo, or even Area
51, unless there was
a reasonably expectable opportunity to contact the most powerful
political leader in the world, and even an idiot wouldn’t make that
The sites didn’t even vaguely resemble Washington, D.C. or
New York City. Government-employed writers have attempted to
fabricate several “secret meetings” between various presidents of
the U.S., as a basis for hoax scenarios, when an examination of the
presidential calendars and newspapers on the alleged dates, shows
that the presidents in question were involved in other activities
which precluded the authenticity of the documents. There is now the
original “rhesus monkey” hoax, the “weather balloon” cover-up hoax,
and the “MJ-12” hoax, all now being played upon by the O.S.I.
“UFOlogy” and government “denier” symphony, which can buy time
indefinitely, so long as the phony debate is protracted.
I taught art at White Sands Missile Range School, in 1970-71, and I
can assure you that there was no reason to believe that space aliens
of superior intelligence would have passed up New York City and all
the other metropolitan cities of the world, and instead, have landed
near Alamogordo or Roswell. I have also worked in the movie
industry, and can assure you that these efforts were grossly
incompetent! Poor props, poor sets, poor makeup, poor acting, poor
script, and poor production. Worse than Radar Men From the Moon.
also believe the hoax was cooked up by ex-Nazi Holloman intelligence
personnel, rather than Walker or White Sands personnel, because the
monkies were used there, the saucers were used there, and because
Walker, as the “fall guy” base for the hoax, would create a
distraction from the real perpetrators. Walker was a basic flight
training base, with a few old bombers from an old atomic bomb wing
(which at one time possibly included the Enola Gay, if my
recollection is correct), mothballed there after the war, until the
base was closed down sometime in the late ‘50s or early ‘60s.
Holloman, an advanced flight-test base which also defended the whole
top secret area with a fighter-interceptor group, performed highly
classified tests in conjunction with White Sands Missile Range, and
in respect to Wernher von Braun’s intended manned (rocket) moon
missions, which were probably shams to cover an earlier mission in
the electro-propulsive Graf Zeppelin. Data produced at Alamogordo
was used in the design of future rocket planes, jet fighters and
bombers, flying saucers, and eventually, stealth planes (very
expensive shams to cover saucer stuff).
Another reason the MJ-12 hoax related back to the old rhesus monkey
hoax, was to utilize the weird 1947 image of the shaved monkies,
which had become the ‘official standard alien model’ approved by the
secret committees, to be useful in back-dating the more recent plans
of extended fraud. The monkies, with their large, glassy, slanted
eyes, small chins and mouths, and skinny bodies, are close enough to
“E.T.” to make a stab at it, at least in the retarded minds of the
government plagiarists, and if need be, could be faked by small
human actors, even child actors, midgets, or small, skinny women
actors, in space suits, wearing latex masks with sunglass-lens eyes.
The dark lenses conceal the human eyes, and create an eerie effect.
The more recent wave of “alien” movies from Hollywood—many having
nothing to do with this hoax—seem to have given the huxters a new
life, by providing a body of more recent movies from which to
plagiarize and sponge new ‘spin-off hoaxes. There are also now many
more competent special effects, prop-building, and makeup
technicians available within the intelligence community.
Government agents posing as concerned citizen “UFOlogists”—also
mimicked by
unwitting dupes falsely induced by them—recently have naively
revived this old
incident, alleging that a “government cover-up” in 1947, concealed
“evidence of aliens
from space”, and secret collaboration between them and our
‘brilliant’ military
authorities and government. If that were true, they certainly didn’t
do a very good job of it! Even if genuine, the MJ-12 presidential
documents could not have been obtained through the freedom of
information act. Government agents (“UFOlogists”) have agonizingly
gone through the whole “Freedom Of Information Act” act, to obtain
these “secret documents”, for use in their propaganda war against
us; warmed over hash, four times over. That’s supposed to make this
sham more believable?
The fake MJ-12 documents were intentionally ambiguous, since the
embarrassingly stupid photos may still pop up. They have protected
their flanks by ambivalent statements, intended to plant more seeds
of doubt, to stretch the credulity and ‘open the minds’ of the
gullible, to wallow holes in their credibilities large enough to
cram the most recently approved official versions of the BIG LIES
into. I lived just to the south of Roswell in 1947, and picked up
the truth by “social osmosis”. Three of the dead rhesus monkies had
been stored in a morgue at Holloman, after being killed in
acceleration experiments on the rocket sled. The fourth monkey was
almost dead, and so was included with the three other dead ones used
in the hoax.
To make my ‘social osmosis’ more complete, the story that the
“aliens” were shaved and dyed rhesus monkies in G-suits, originally
came to me through family connections, since my brother-in-law’s
aunt was the “nurse who later became a nun”.
As a nurse, she was present during the alleged “autopsy” (actually a
dissection). Being a
U.S. Army nurse who was a New Mexico survivor of the Bataan Death
March, she easily recognized the rhesus monkies, since she had been
forced by the Japanese to cook and eat rhesus monkies for food in
the Bataan Peninsula. Leona, her sister, told me about it in 1958,
but I’d already heard the story through my sister, Ramona, in 1953.
I detail more on this under “Golden Cups, Monkey Business, and a Lot
of Bull”. In 1995, just before my second edition went to press, I
inserted information about seeing an old, 1947 Kodak color print
made by the Roswell Army dissectors’ photo assistant, during the
That photo was acquired by a man named Bart Wilson, who
had told me that he was negotiating with Time-Life Publications and
the Sightings TV show people, for sale of the photo. Bart’s family
member had been in U.S. Army intelligence in Roswell in 1947, which
is how he got the photo. I obtained this additional information
after Bart’s sale, too late to include in my second edition.
Bart’s photo showed the splayed facial musculature of a rhesus
monkey, pinned out in typical fashion on a board to be photographed
for ‘documentation’ purposes. I immediately recognized it as the
musculature of a monkey because the muscles were cut from around the
two ears, which produced two strange almond shapes above the cut-
outs for the eyes, when stretched out on the board. Bart wouldn’t
let me make a copy of the photo, as his potential purchasers had
insisted on his not doing that.
A few days after Bart showed me the photo for the first time, in the
Villa Linda
mall in Santa Fe, where Bart’s computer imaging and photo processing
business was at
that time, I mentioned to Bart that the photo verified what I said
about the rhesus
monkies, and he said he had a firm commitment from the Sightings
people. A couple of
days later, I just happened to be at Toys-R-Us, located a few
hundred yards across the
parking lot from Bart’s business. As I waited for my son to look at
some toys, looking
out a window facing Bart’s business location, a tan colored
government Hummer pulled
up in the parking space directly in front of my view. A man got out
and walked directly
across the parking lot to Bart’s business.
I went from the building
and looked at the
Hummer. The front had a “CIA” plate, and on the passenger side there
was a notice:
“Property of Central Intelligence Agency: For Official Business
I checked with Bart later, and he said he had concluded his sale of
the photo print to the “Sightings” people on the day I saw the guy
in the Hummer walk into Bart’s business. I told him the guy arrived
in a CIA Hummer, and we both had a laugh. I told him there was no
chance that the photo will ever be seen by the public now, which is
further proof not only that the “Sightings” show is produced by the
CIA, but that they are concealing the “monkey business”.
It is what
a friend calls another one of my “statistically challenging”
experiences, that I just happened to be at Toys-R-Us, where the CIA
man had parked his Hummer, hundreds of yards from Bart’s business,
in order to avoid the detection by people like me, of his purchase
of the photo from Bart.
The following facsimile news clipping related to the government’s
covert revival of the Roswell “alien” effort.

Under the F.O.I.A., a flock of CIA UFOlogy sheep go “Baa-aa, baa-aa,
asking, in O.S.I.-prepared questionnaires, for “concealed evidence”
of a crash which
never occurred, involving “aliens” which were monkies, and “secret
contact” between
“extraterrestrials” and our government which never occurred. The
“official” government response was easy, merely to deny every
(CIA-loaded) leading question asked.
Predictably, the “UFOlogists” asked the wrong questions, so the
government was 100% correct in denying,
1) knowledge of an ‘alien UFO
crash’ at Roswell in 1947 (since there was no crash, and since, if
there had been, it would have been a government flying saucer)
2) that ‘alien bodies’ (either three or four) were recovered (since
a crash never occurred, and since the bodies ‘recovered’ were of
rhesus monkies in G-suits)
If the group had asked “Was there a
government-conducted hoax at Roswell in 1947, in which the bodies of
rhesus monkies (or other primates) were dressed in G-suits (or other
costumes designed to look like ‘space suits’), to make them appear
to be those of ‘alien astronauts’?”
And, “Did the Pentagon officials
retrieve evidence of this first hoax, and cover it up with a second
hoax, in which fragments of a weather balloon were substituted?”
old adage, “If you ask a stupid question, you get a stupid answer”

The same Arthur C. Clarke who was invited to Keesler by the Air
Force in 1956
(whom I called a liar to his face), has been a consultant on many
movies involved in this
massive hoax, such as 2001: A Space Odyssey, etc. Although such
movies as Close
Encounters of the Third Kind and E.T. are heartwarming, poetically
wishful, and
life-affirming, the underlying message such movies deliver—whether
by intent or
because their makers were duped—is to beg the question that “UFOs”
“extraterrestrial”, despite the fact that there is absolutely no
known evidence or personal
knowledge, verified by any human being, of there being anything made
by intelligent
being from beyond our earth.
Yet the same Arthur Clarke who in 1956
said saucers “didn’t exist”, was later involved in these efforts to
convince us that they not only existed, but were the exclusive
property of “aliens” from outer space. The half-truth and the
truth-and-a-half, again.
Every single intelligently formed, fabricated or compounded
substance we know of is human-made. The tasks of our government’s
secret agencies, involved in such movies, are made progressively
easier over the years, by the victims (us) already having been duped
and brainwashed by the constant, false propaganda drilled into them
from the mass media, controlled by BIG BROTHER, for over 50 years.
The general public, once known to trust “government experts”, has
become more skeptical, with their blind trust rapidly waning,
realizing that their trust was falsely procured.
A movie like E.T., which may have been intended purely as
entertainment, still functionally brainwashes kids before they are
mature enough to question our government’s actions, motives, or
integrity. Realistically-intelligent people, who may never have seen
a single flying saucer, usually categorically disbelieve their
existence. Oddly enough, many of those same people also disbelieve
politicians, and recognize the fact that our government is
manipulated by large corporations, in a secret corporate-state
partnership. So why shouldn’t they realize that the movie and T.V.
industries aren’t immune?
The movie industry has been used
extensively as a propaganda medium since its inception. Not all of
the propaganda has been false, bad, harmful or evil. But
government-backed movies which subliminally brainwash the public
into accepting a Platonist epistemology, to make people easier to
control, trivializes man’s existence, destroys individual autonomy,
self-esteem, confidence, and self-determination, and builds false
dependency on the government. It also abridges church-state
separation, by promoting a religion of “psychic phenomena”,
pseudo-science, mysticism, “UFOlogy”, ignorance, “new age”
charlatanism, and blanket acceptance of the existence of
extraterrestrials on faith rather than reason.
The fact is, Hitler and his crowd—who originally created these
hoaxes—were “new-agers”, who were only way ahead of their time. They
spread the false propaganda, through a “whispering campaign”, that
they alone were in contact with alien Venusians, in Peru2, and that
they had been “specially chosen” by the “advanced race of aliens”,
as the “master race” to lead earthling society. In the meanwhile,
the Nazis believed the contradiction that, as the master race, their
“orders” were received from an underground race of giants, who
controlled the human race from their underground empire, the main
entrance into which was in Tibet. Does this scenario significantly
differ from the Trilateral Commission/Illuminati/New World
Order/UFOlogy versions?
And in a certain way, doesn’t it bear a
remarkable similarity to stories in the Bible, the Torah, and the
Talmud, in which the Christian or Jewish people were supposedly
chosen by God or Yahweh, while the various alleged racial and
‘spiritual’ inferiorities of their enemies were enumerated? And,
since the particular proportions and design of the swastika used by
Hitler and the Nazis, was the “17-square anagram” swastika of the
Jewish Kaballah, it appears that Hitler also drew from that source
as a basis for his own new religion, at no fault of today’s Jews of
the world, most of whom we should hope no longer consider non-Jews
to be inferior as stated in the Torah and the Talmud.
2Louis Pauwels & Jacques Bergier, The Morning of the Magicians,
Stein and Day/Scarborough House, N.Y. (1977).
The people who make these Secret Government propaganda movies, are
usually unaware of their backers’ hidden agendas, and are ‘motivated
at their own levels’, by a desire for success and profit. There have
been only a few movies, to my knowledge, which have touched upon the
truth, and they have been more or less banished to oblivion or
presented as ridiculous farces. One was The Formula, starring Marlon
Brando, David Huddleston, and George C. Scott. Another starred Hoyt
Axton (I don’t recall the title, and there is no information
available at video stores either. Perhaps it was a made-for-T.V.
It showed cattle mutilations being conducted by government
operatives using helicopters and other strange aircraft. Another
movie, Rage, starring George C. Scott, also had strong implications,
especially in respect to military Masons involved in covering up a
government nerve gas “accident”.
The Formula involved the technological secret of making gasoline
from coal. The technology is known today as “acetylene chemistry”,
and is available in many chemistry texts. The secret originated in
the 1930s with an American, the former director of the Colorado
Bureau of Mines, who sought a patent on what was then called the
“Parry Retort”, a refinery and process which cracked a gasoline-like
fraction out of acetylene. (Acetylene, or calcium carbide, was
originally produced by burning coal in the presence of crushed
I have seen a copy of the original patent application.
The refinery was similar to gasoline refineries, with numerous
‘retorts’ or ‘cracking towers’, to separate out or synthesize
various hydrocarbon fractions from the acetylene, using what are
today standard catalysts such as platinum black, palladium black,
etc. The F.B.I, took over the plant, and barred Parry from entry,
use, or sale. The technology then came into the exclusive possession
of the Nazis—via the Rockefeller interests—who used it during WW II.
The Formula scenario picked it up from there, mentioning its
transfer (back) to Gulf Oil Company (a Rockefeller company), along
with the flying saucer, during the “amnesty deal” with the Germans
at the end of the war, which I am the first to expose.
Parry’s daughter, whom I have known for over twenty years, was
unfortunately manipulated by the “Friend” who trained “The Two”—the
couple involved in perpetrating extraterrestrial hoaxes through the
O.S.I.R.I.S. front group created by the “Friend”—and Jacques Vallee,
into stealing my photos of the fake alien saucer and the rhesus
monkies in G-suits.
She was also used by CIA-backed people
fraudulently suing me, enabling their fraudulent judgments by theft
of my trial exhibits, with the unmistakable complicity of the New
Mexico courts. The mental instability of the daughter, who has been
incarcerated in sanitariums several times, was exploited by these
huxters. She was so eager for gallery contacts for her art work,
that she was willing to do almost anything for the “Friend” (a CIA
pseudo-art dealer, with bad taste). She caused me to miss a trial in
a case filed against me by a member of the CFR/IIA, also having
connections to the Chicago “Organization”.
I love good movies. Movies which faced the realities of flying
saucers as man-made
machines, would be more exciting than those we’ve seen. Imagine
sitting in the cockpit
of one of those babies, clipping along at 2.5 miles per second, with
view-screens, fed by image inverters! You stop over the enemy camp
(the Trilateralists
or Bilderbergers), and zoom in on their most guarded secrets with
one of your super
magnifying image intensifiers, from an altitude so high that you are
entirely invisible
from the ground, in broad daylight, and do not appear on radar
either. Incidentally,
“stealth” technology was first developed for Nazi U-boats and flying
saucers. Most
probably, the “striations” I identified on the hull of the saucer I
saw in 1953, were for this purpose, since that was the way the
technology worked at the time.
A good example of one of the newer, slicker propaganda movies, was
Hanger 18 (1980, Taft International Pictures, Inc.; Worldvision
Enterprises, Inc.) It was produced by Charles Sellier, Jr., and the
cast included Gary Collins, Robt. Vaughn, Joseph Campanella, Darrin
McGavin, and James Hampton. These are some of the same actors often
appearing in Secret Government pseudo-documentaries or
pseudo-expose-type pictures. An opening statement was “...brave
eyewitnesses have stepped forward and now the story can finally be
told”. This hypocritical statement should more appropriately have
said “...cowardly liars have stepped forward, and now the Big Lie
can finally be told”.
There was ample government involvement (use of the air base at Big
Spring, Texas, cooperation of NASA, etc.). The plot involved a
fictitious satellite explosion, caused by a collision with a “UFO”,
which was hovering near an orbiting NASA space shuttle dock. One of
the several astronaut-witnesses was killed by the explosion (heroes
all), also killing the saucer’s alien pilot, after which the saucer
made an automatic controlled landing in Bannon Co., Arizona (why
always the desert?).
Two of the astronauts sought to expose a “government cover-up”
conspiracy, and were hunted down by government agents, who killed
one of them. In spite of the phony sympathy created for ‘those who
sought to expose the government’s concealment of alien contact’, the
film took every opportunity to plug NASA and the space program,
while creating apprehension by implied death threats against
potential witnesses who attempt to tell the real truth. A typical
line (Vaughn): “So what you’re saying, General, is that we have a
flying saucer in our possession?”, (as if to say that “we” did
Hanger 18 was supposedly a secret NASA hanger “...within fifty miles
of Midland, Texas...” (presumably Big Spring). The plot included the
theory that ancient markings on earth, such as those on the Plains
of Nasca in Peru, or Totonac writings—based on phony-baloney
linguistic comparisons—were the same as those found inside the
fictitious UFO. The “Hanger 18” incident was just another
government-concocted hoax like the MJ-12 and Roswell hoaxes, only
with better technical and conceptual work.
By 1994, my first edition kicked up enough dust to spur a Viacom
Pictures, made-for-TV movie, Roswell, starring Kyle McLachlan,
Charlie Sheen, Dwight Yoakam, etc., produced by Ilene Kahn, etc.,
(based on the Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt book, UFO Crash at
Roswell). They even had a spooky ‘bad guy’ exclaim to Kyle
McLachlan, “It was just a bunch of rhesus monkies!” (a direct quote
from my book, and a front page Albuquerque Journal North newspaper
article on me and my book, of Jan. 6, 1994).
I find it odd that
attribution was not present in the Randles/Schmitt book, which
showed the real motive for doing the movie, based on a book which
could be bent to government purposes, if it was not initially
commissioned by the government, similar to how the “Friend” had
tried to commission me to write a book attributing the petroglyphs
to extraterrestrials. By 1994, Schmitt and Randle weakly attempted
to address the rhesus theory raised by me, without saying who raised
it, in their later book, The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell,
the title alone of which showed their OSI affiliation, since they
have always known there was no “UFO crash at Roswell”, but a “fake
Rancher Mac Brazel was depicted as a reluctant ‘patriot’ during an
3-day interrogation, while admitting that he took a $3000 payoff to
stand behind the
government’s second, weather balloon hoax, after he had already
helped in the first rhesus monkey hoax. He changed his story, saying
the weather balloon debris was there for two weeks before he
reported it. This created the suspicion that he was paid off to
conceal a real alien crash, and to account for the time between the
first hoax and the second hoax. Besides, they would have had to pay
him again for a second hoax.
Approximately one week after the Journal North article, as I
returned home from Santa Fe at dusk to Lamy, I saw a very large
flying saucer (appearing to be at least 100 feet in diameter),
hovering within a quarter mile across Apache Canyon (A.K.A.,
“Galisteo River”) to my east, which was putting out a large amount
of coronal flame. Though I am not in a habit of photographing every
saucer I see, I ran for my camera, because it was a good sighting
that my camera could have captured, but before I could get set up,
it was gone.
It traveled across the Eldorado Subdivision to my
north, and moved on a bee-line across the southern periphery of
Santa Fe, into the northeasterly end of the Jemez mountains, toward
the “technical areas” in the southwest side of the Los Alamos
Scientific Laboratories, where the saucers fly quite often. I
discussed it with some friends in Eldorado, and they said they saw
it and reported it to the Santa Fe County Sheriffs Department, and
were told that three other witnesses had already reported it.
Friends in Canoncito also confirmed their sighting of the saucer. It
was as if the government had placed an obvious and large saucer in
the area, just to see if my book or the article had produced any
effect on the local population. The saucer sightings have been so
prevalent and outrageously obvious in the past, over the Canoncito
area, that I would have found them disturbing if I had lived over
there, and they have at times been irritating in my own area around
eight miles to the east, but I am further from the tip of the
southern Sangre de Christo, where the government has chosen to
place them so often at night.
Presence of lower altitude saucers in
this area have noticeably diminished since the book and this news
article, even though the public has been brainwashed to ‘not see
them’ anyway.
“M.I.B.” is an acronym for “Men In Black”, the Secret Government
spooks who
often show up to harass witnesses. My reference to a so-called
“Friend”, is to a man who
is and was one of them. He also created some of the hoax scenarios
for the CIA/OSI,
involving pseudo-linguistics, pseudo-archaeology (ala Zechariah
Sitchin), as well as the
O.S.I.R.I.S. group used to ‘smokescreen’ the cattle
mutilation/stealth weapons test program.
archaeology/linguistics brand of government lie has always angered
me, because of the tendency to blur and confuse the work of those
who are engaged in responsible linguistic inquiry and archaeology,
yet which may be vulnerable because they are divergent and out of
the mainstream. The flaky and irresponsible fabrication of
‘extraterrestrial’ interpretations, tends to put a blight on new
breakthrough work being done, as if it were also false.
For example,
around 1977,1 had begun to make headway with petroglyph research
indicating connections between American Indians and specific,
ancient Middle Eastern, Indo-European, Semitic, Asian, Norse, and
Celtic writings, languages, cultures and peoples, about which I was
contemplating a book.
I was astounded when the “Friend” (whom I had known for several
years), paid me
a visit in 1977, and announced his intent to institute a program
attributing the
petroglyphs to “ancient space aliens”. He was the M.I.B. who had
lived in Santa Fe with
and trained the couple of government-paid U.F.O. shamsters known as
“The Two” in 1972 (Marshall Herff Applewhite and Bonnie Lu Nettles).
He later exploited the mentally disturbed daughter of the inventor
of The Formula. I realized at that time, that his fraudulent work
was being sponsored by the intelligence community, for whom he had
worked for years, and continued to do ‘contract work’ for.
I noticed that, in my presence, he wore a Shriner ring. This was to
gain my trust— or better still, to shut me up—on the erroneous
assumption that, since CIA files showed I came from a “Masonic
family”, I would feel compelled to “keep the secrets”. This, in
spite of the fact that he was a graduate of a Catholic school (U. of
Denver). One of the primary tenets of the Masonic Oath is never to
betray a trust. To me, it wasn’t my trust he sought, but rather my
complicity in a secret betrayal of the trust of the American people.
Even if I had been a Mason, which I am not, gaining my trust through
such a fraud would have nullified the oath. He erroneously thought
that he was ‘motivating me at my own level.’
It angers me that the intelligence spooks exploit entire fields of
knowledge and professions, sacrificing them to government
‘expediency’, by generating knowingly false programs designed to
conceal technology from the public and to brainwash them in BIG LIE
mass-psychology programs ala Hitler. These programs are to
subliminally control people by propagating fantastic, ignorant and
twisted lies which elevate insane and irrational elements of
society, at the expense of knowledge, reason, and truth.
astounded me that the ‘”Friend” could hypocritically look me
straight in the eye, while my life was all the while being cruelly
torn apart by their covert harassment. It occurred to me that a
committee had worked this all out on paper somewhere, and that
individual rights and human life didn’t matter to them, so long as
they fabricated the ‘right’ interpretations of things which helped
them to control society.
While in graduate school in art at U.T., I was appalled to learn
that the fields of art and art history were cynically considered
‘expendable’ to the CIA people, who referred to artists as “...just
a bunch of paranoids...”. They had permeated both the faculty and
the student body of the university art department. To them, the
“cover” of artists and art historians were ideally suited for
deceitful, intelligence-gathering foreign travel, photographing
strategic defense areas, picking up and delivering data, acting as
couriers, etc., and little else.
It was my judgment that the people
who do that are no better than the closet homosexuals who marry in
order to present a false image of themselves to society as being
heterosexuals. There were no less than six CIA professionals on the
art faculty at U.T. in 1969, and several CIA and military
intelligence operatives posing as art students. I wondered how many
operatives they had in other departments of the university.
who posed as students seemed to be spies on the students and the
faculty. Since the Viet Nam war was in full swing, ‘draft
counselors’ seemed to be among their prime targets, but I suppose
that any excuse could have served as a pretext to continually meddle
with and control what would otherwise have been a natural, and more
just flow of the affairs in a supposedly “educational” institution.
In the fall of 1977, the Friend made the trip to my home for the
specific purpose of dissuading me from publishing this book, and had
the gall to lay out the phony hypothesis for HIS book, which he
expected me to write. At that time, he had apparently become
disturbed not only by my plans for a flying saucer book, but because
I had also begun to branch off into petroglyph research, which
threatened to interfere with his official Big Lie plan to interpret
the petroglyphs as the “writings of extraterrestrials”.
He had apparently dreamed up the alien petroglyph hoax, and enticed
me with a lucrative CIA contract, to draw me away from my saucer
book, thinking that, once I had collaborated in the false “alien
archaeology” lies, I would be “hooked”, to be compelled by my
published change in position, to fit in with the “alien saucers”
lies. This opportunity to prostitute my intellect for cash, included
the guarantee that the publishing contacts were already set up and
ready to go, in Sedona, Arizona.
I hit the ceiling, saying that I had personal knowledge that flying
saucers are man-made, that the government’s program of spreading the
gospel of E.S.P., Edgar Cayce, and extraterrestrial origin of flying
saucers, was a Big Lie originating with the Nazis, and that I would
never cooperate in the spreading of such trash. I told him of my
broad-daylight sighting, that my parents were present among more
than seven witnesses, and that they had often seen whole squadrons
of saucers in the Dakotas.
This information on my parent’s sightings
turned out to be a serious mistake, as I underestimated the extremes
to which the CIA would go to suppress witnesses. Besides, why argue
with someone who already knew the truth, and only wanted me to join
into the lies to conceal it for fun and profit?
He then attempted to intimidate me, and even threatened me,
recounting some of the bad things which had happened to some of
those who had refused to cooperate, or had “gone too far”
(presumably by doing such things as revealing the secret
manipulations I am telling you about in this book).
A couple of weeks later, I was visited by my father, who was on his
way from the Scottsdale, Arizona, merchandise mart, to Thornton,
Colorado, where he and my mother then lived. They ran a lucrative
market-building business in women's sportswear, providing
representation for six Dallas manufacturers and a couple of west
coast labels, in around seven or eight states.
My father was a
member of the Board of Directors of the Dallas manufacturers’
association, my parents maintained showrooms in Dallas and Denver,
and they had built the markets in Nevada, North and South Dakota,
Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and parts of Texas.
For ten years, they traveled over 100,000 miles per year, in the
“flying saucer states”. It was the only visit I can remember in
which my father came alone, without my mother.
After visiting with my father for a half hour or so, he brought up
flying saucers, and to my surprise, urged me to stop telling what I
knew about them. Since this was only a few days after the Friend had
threatened me, I assumed that my father’s visit was somehow
connected, another attempt by the CIA to “shut me up”. To my dismay,
my father then denied ever having seen flying saucers, despite the
many times that he and my mother had told me about seeing whole
squadrons of them over such areas as North and South Dakota, and the
mountainous country near Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, deep beneath
which is the underground N.O.R.A.D. Command Center.
This behavior was very unusual, and I wondered how the Friend had
my father’s conduct, speculating that he may have exploited the
“Masonic connection”,
since I had seen a Shriner’s ring on his finger. My father is a 32nd
degree Mason, and
my mother is a highly-esteemed member of the Order of the Eastern
Star (the female
For what it’s worth, I had been a charter member and
officer of the Winkler
County chapter of the Order of De Molay (junior Masons) when I was a
boy, but never
considered becoming a Mason because I am an Atheist, since I knew
that initiates were
required to swear a belief in “Almighty God”. As I said earlier, the
Shriner’s ring was
evidently one of his CIA cons, an attempt to represent what he
thought would ‘motivate
me (and my parents) at my own level.’ The ‘con’ had apparently
worked on my parents, who are Masons, but not me.
As for suggestions of a connection between Fascism and Masonry, it
seemed improbable, at least among the American Masons and a few
northern European Masons I have personally known, though there was
some rather compelling evidence unearthed in Italy, in the “P-2
Lodge Controversy”, about which I will have more to say later.
My uncle Roger Benton had been a 33rd degree Mason, in the original
First Grand Lodge of Texas, at Nacogdoches, founded by Stephen F.
Austin and Sam Houston, and was a Shriner (the military Masons), and
I knew that he would have nothing to do with an evil plan to subvert
the constitutional authority of America, or to subjugate any race.
Roger had driven an L.S.T. in almost every major invasion in the
South Pacific, and had been the world’s first radar gunner on the
Navy’s “Black Widow”, in its record-breaking mission over Tokyo, and
had proven that he was prepared to make the supreme sacrifice to
stop Fascism, fighting bravely for the freedom of the Phillipinos
and others. If the Illuminati Fascists worked within the American
Masonic Orders, he apparently knew nothing of it, since he was
anti-Fascist, and simply not the kind of man to tolerate such an
attitude within himself or among his associates.
I wondered how my father had been persuaded or scared into lying,
since he is highly opinionated and stubborn, painfully truthful, and
unlikely to change his mind because of what someone else wanted. It
was indeed uncharacteristic behavior on his part, which was
inexplicable except by the application of extraordinary pressure,
subterfuge, or threats. In dismay, I accused him of cowardice in the
face of government intimidation—the kind of feudal extortion that
good Masons are supposed to resist—for whatever reason unknown to me
at the time.
Because of that incident, my father and I didn’t speak
for over five years. I finally forgave him, since he is an elder
person. How could I expect him to stand up to these creeps? Who knew
what kind of threats or powers were invoked by the “Friend”, to
coerce my father?
The next evening, in the late fall of 1977, in a local coffee shop,
I was invited by a well-known Santa Fe art dealer I knew, to join he
and his friends. I brought up the subject of flying saucers, having
in mind the “Friend”, whom we both knew. The dealer had just
returned from the Scottsdale market. When I mentioned my father’s
recent visit there, he said that he had met him, and said that they
had seen him talking privately to the “Friend” in Scottsdale, only
two days earlier, thus confirming contact between the “Friend” and
my father.
The secrecy made the following facts apparent: My
“Friend” never mentioned knowing my father, and vice-versa. My
father (and mother as well) had been intimidated and coerced by the
“Friend”, to stop corroborating my sightings, and to cooperate with
his attempts to shut me up. My father had been forbidden to tell me
about the extortion, proven by their behavior and the secret
Having independently discovered the fact that the “Friend”—named
James (“Jim”) Parsons, who really isn’t my friend—had threatened my
father, I discussed it with a girlfriend, who inadvertently relayed
it to Jim, whom she also knew. I had failed to warn her not to
discuss the matter with the Jim, which I didn’t expect to happen
anyway, but it did. Within two weeks, the Dallas manufacturers,
without warning or authority, ‘fired’ my parents, who had built
their markets for ten years. Since my girlfriend had inadvertently
told Jim that I knew of his threats, he incorrectly assumed that my
father had disobeyed him and told me about them, so he arranged for
them to be fired, in attempt to ‘get to me’.
With a ring of poetic justice, the manufacturers lost millions of
dollars, due to the loyalty of some of my parents’ purchasers in
their territory. As I learned from one of their associates, an older
man who also marketed ready-to-wear, Mafia Don, Joseph (“Papa Joe”)
Bonanno—who, believe it or not, ran a womens’ sportswear shop in
Tucson—smelled the federal rat, and organized a boycott. The other
shops in my parents’ territory, boycotted the manufacturers, as a
protest against this injustice, and their market generally broke
Poetic justice sometimes comes in strange ways, from
unexpected quarters. I have always wondered if the government ever
fully compensated Louis and his Dallas associates for their losses,
or whether they ever knew why they occurred. If not, the M.I.B.s
made suckers out of them too. I have often wondered how much it was
worth to the government.
I published the following material in my 1993 and 1995 first and
second editions, years before the Heaven’s Gate cult’s suicide at
Rancho Santa Fe, California, in March, 1997. Years earlier, I had
learned from another girl friend—whose name shall remain
anonymous—that Jim had intensively trained “The Two” in late 1972
and early 1973, for three months, in a house the threesome shared in
Santa Fe. The 1997 mass suicides highlighted Jim’s mysterious CIA
training of Marshall Herff Applewhite and Bonnie Lu Trusdale
Nettles—“The Two”—who had immediately founded “HIM” (“Human
Individual Metamorphosis”), and several other cult CIA front groups,
following Jim’s training.
I had known since early 1973 that the cult
was connected to the CIA, the primary purpose being the concealment
of government saucer and cattle mutilations activities. Jim’s
subsequent cover-up of his associations with the cult leaders in
articles published in area newspapers, showed his desire to conceal
the CIA’s involvement. “Never run ‘til you know you’re being
chased,” they say......
Beginning in the ‘70s, investigative reporters wrote exposes on The
Two, documenting their pattern of infiltrating
communities—pretending to be previously unassociated transients—then
becoming ‘associated’, after which the members would become
‘followers’, to be ‘convinced’ that they were descendants of an
‘extraterrestrial race’, and that it was “time for a flying saucer
to come from outer space to pick them up” at a designated time and
place, and take them back to their ‘home planet’. After spreading
word of this around the community—for maximum propaganda impact—the
group would meet on the appointed evening, drive to a certain hill
or other landmark, park their cars, then mysteriously ‘disappear’,
leaving their cars behind.
The media coverage was orchestrated concerning the strange
‘disappearances’, along with the usual paranormal and UFO magazines.
The abandoned cars, which were indispensable for the sham, were
hauled away to local public pounds. The remaining members of the
community, and the media’s interviews of them, were relied upon to
spread word of the mysterious ‘departures’.
This worked pretty good, until some smart investigative reporters
trailed the members, took down their license plate numbers and auto
makes, etc., at several hoax sites, and did some comparisons. It
turned out that the same “Two”, and the same “followers”, driving
the same autos, were repeating the same scenario all over the
western U.S. The incidents showed the compliance of local police and
authorities, by first impounding, then releasing the cars, to the
‘disappeared’ owners, to be used again, with no reports by public
officials correcting this in the public media or police reports.
Jim had studied law at the University of Denver School of Law, prior
to entering
the Air Force, serving in Air Force Intelligence (the O.S.I.), from
which he had retired at
the rank of colonel, after which he had taken up “civilian”
employment with the O.S.I., apparently continuing to do ‘contract
work’, recruiting and training huxters, and designing hoax
scenarios, to convince dupes that flying saucers are from “outer
The following facsimile clipping completed the connection:

Another girl friend, who had known both Jim and The Two, had said in
early 1973 that the couple had been “...recruited and paid by Jim
for some kind of training”, during the three months in which they
had shared a house in Santa Fe in late 1972.
All our friends thought
that it was mysterious, since the training was so secretive. At
first we thought it might be some sort of kinky sex cult, but
everything was clarified later when the couple was identified in
1973 news articles as the leaders of HIM, and later, in 1987, as the
leaders of the O.S.I.R.I.S. (“Outer Space International Research and
Investigations Society”) hoax.
Having known about Jim’s training of the couple in 1972, prior to
their hoaxes, the purpose of the hoax was clear to me, especially in
view of the various inducements, coercions and subterfuges
specifically regarded UFOs and “aliens”, which were applied to me
and my parents in 1977, by Jim, the O.S.I./ M.I.B. who had
instigated it, to shut me up about flying saucers or to coerce me
into writing propaganda for the CIA. After all, it would have been
clear to even an idiot that Jim was doing all in his power in 1977
to force me and others to propagate lies about “aliens”.
When I encountered Jim at the “50th Anniversary of the Roswell
Incident”, in July, 1997, he was extremely nervous about my
presence, afraid I’d blow his cover.
When the news hit the papers in late March, 1997, about the “mass
suicide” of the “Heaven’s Gate Cult”, I figured that the CIA had
decided it was time to ‘close out’ the 24-year-old operation, which
hadn’t been very productive of significant, new propaganda for
This was especially so where I had already identified it for
the public as a CIA front in my 1993 book. With its members aging,
their activities slowing down, they were beginning to look more like
a geriatric care group, so what else was to be done with them, since
they had been ‘programmed’ for years and were dependent on the
group. The CIA, couldn’t have these ‘loose cannons’ rolling around
on the deck, so they were heartlessly ‘put to sleep’ like tired old
dogs who were no longer of any use to their CIA mind-control
With the mass deaths, Jim was nervous. Just as articles he had
written for the Santa Fe Reporter in 1975 had lied about his earlier
connection to the HIM cult and The Two, the articles he wrote in
1997—four years after my first edition—just after the horrible news
of the cult’s ‘suicides’, was intended to conceal the guilty
knowledge of a nervous CIA propagandist, concerning the many deaths
which he had contributed to as the creator or the cult. In an
article by Jim in the Albuquerque Journal, of Sunday, April 6, 1997,
entitled “Man Tells of Friend Joining Heaven’s Gate” - “Santa Fean
Saw Cult Lure Friend”, Jim said “One day in 1975, I encountered a
group called Human Individual Metamorphosis, and showed Gordon a
flier for a public lecture the next Saturday.”
Thus Jim had “showed
Gordon” a flier and begun to ‘recruit’ Gordon Welch, his roomate, in
1975, into the cult Jim had created, and which was eventually the
end of Gordon. Of course he didn’t tell Gordon or the newspapers
that he had created the cult. It was clear from Gordon’s letters to
Jim that he was a complete dupe, unaware of the fact that Jim and
the CIA were behind the cult, and that, to them, he was just a piece
of animated meat they had chosen because of his innocent
gullibility, who had been programmed to act out stupid fantasies to
conceal flying saucer technology, as well as to provide more
propaganda mileage for the CIA, to feed the demented minds of
whatever suckers were out there.
In one of Gordon’s letters to Jim, he stated, “I hope I am in the
final stage of this thing. I still believe it is true but it is very
hard and demanding as we learn to go to a world where you live a
large part of your time on spaceships and communicate by projecting
thoughts. Have to work on getting all thoughts pure and good and
honest and direct. That’s a tall order.”
At one point in the article, Jim described how he had gone with
Gordon to Albuquerque to attend a HIM meeting, and a ‘reading’. Jim
gives us his thoughts:
“Driving back to Santa Fe, I pondered this reading and decided to
reverse my skeptical attitude about flying saucers and HIM.” At the
head of the article, it was stated, “Authorities say one of the
victims from last month’s mass suicide in Rancho Santa Fe, Calif,
was identified as a Gordon Welch.”
I have to laugh about Jim deciding to “..reverse” his “skeptical
attitude” about flying saucers and the cult activities HE created.
Since I met him in 1972 he had always had this inflexible attitude,
especially in the presence of impressionable new-age types.
The O.S.I.R.I.S. front group activities are shown through the eyes
of another dupe, by the following Albuquerque Journal facsimile

Ray Keller, quoted on the previous page, a member of
O.S.I.R.I.S.—another CIA front created by Jim—worked in early
childhood development, and was involved in the Boy Scouts, a perfect
sucker. The CIA/OSI front group he belonged to was named for a deity
of the ancient Egyptian religion, “Osiris...the Beautiful Hare”3.
Though the name for the god “Osiris” was derived from a folk
mythical hare (the Easter Bunny), as shown by references noted in
1886 by Budge in Egyptian Book of the Dead, they remained unnoticed
until my 1993 first edition.
I had already derived this fact from
independent research in etymology, in which Osiris, as a hare
(“Heru-“), was associated with Isis, a duck or goose (“Khuti”), who
gave birth to Horus (“Heru-Khuti”), from the earliest times in
western Siberia, in the mythology of the Uralo-Altaic-speaking
The naming of the UFO ‘research’ group—run by a CIA/OSI
counterintelligence team—after Osiris, shows the earmarks of the
former SS RSHA Gestapo spooks who formed the core of the CIA’s
Office of Scientific Intelligence, Science Directorate, Covert
Operations (flying saucer cover-up teams). Movies from ‘20s and ‘30s
Germany show parades of ‘pre-Nazi’, Thule Society-sponsored
‘new-agers’, in ancient Sumerian and Egyptian costumes, holding
ceremonious pagents, propagating the mythology of Ostara, the Nazi
religion created by a Cistenian monk, Adolf Joseph Lanz, founder of
the Order of the New Temple in 1900.
That same year, at Lambach
Abbey in Upper Austria, Lanz initiated the boy, Hitler, into this
religion. He then left the order, and under the alias Georg Lanz von
Liebenfels, began publishing the Hyperborean and anti- Semitic
periodical, Ostara, in 1905.4 The Ostara religion, as the basis for
the Thule gesellschaft, was one and the same as the new religion
which I mentioned as being ‘revised’ for American dissemination,
using von Liebenfel’s manuscripts, by Charles Hundley5, as Astara,
to be led by the Cheneys.
This group is now known as The Ashtar
Command, and is also the basis for the script for the TV series,
Stargate. It is also the basis for the writings of Zechariah
Sitchin, regarding the alleged extraterrestrial origin of the
Sumerians, the same kind of stuff which Jim tried to hire me to
write in 1977.
The Egyptian esoterica (“O.S.I.R.I.S.”, etc.) was used by the CIA to
imply involvement of an occult group, or a group of
‘extraterrestrials’ who practice or originated that religion. This
fits in with other parts of the ‘puzzle’, by saying that the ancient
Egyptians were extraterrestrials. The O.S.I, group known as
O.S.I.R.I.S., specializes in appearing at the sites of cattle
mutilations, to suggest that the mutilations are occult-related, and
to falsely absolve the Secret Government, according to the “Puzzle
Palace” tradecraft. We are expected to investigate and to ‘discover’
that occult groups, practicing the Egyptian religion, are holding
“golden cup” ceremonies.
The Nazi influence in our society exists in many forms, often
unrecognizable even by people who should know better, often due to
the concealment of the actual nature of the Nazi phenomenon, perhaps
through the influence of people like Reinhard Heydrich and Heinrich
Mueller of the CIA. In the following news item, there was less room
for doubt. New Mexico State Policeman Leonard Frietze, shows his
admiration for the “Guru” (which in German, is “Fuehrer”, referring
to Hitler):
3E. W. Budge, Egyptian Book of the Dead, Introduction, p. cxxii
(Un-nefer defined as “The Beautiful Hare”; p. 254,-Un-nefer
interpreted as “Beautiful Hare” [citing Proc. Soc. Bib]. Arch.
4Jean-Michel Angebert, The Occult and the ThirdReich [Chap. 11,
Catharism and Hitlerism].
5Discussions between the author and Charles Hundley (the CIA/ONI
co-designer of Project Bluebook), Columbus, Ohio, 1958-59.

The Order of the New Temple which Joseph Lanz set up in 1900 was
inspired by the Templars, with Lanz as the Grand Master, as a
successor to Jacques de Molay.6 The original painting of Hitler as a
Knight, in Templar regalia, clearly referred to the Nazi neo-Templar
tradition. The New Mexico State Police “Knight” on horseback—copied
from the Hitler painting—searches for the “Holy Grail” (the “Golden
Cup”), which is the Nazi double symbol of “pure blood” and
“knowledge”. This neo-Templar theme, a fundamental tenet of Nazi SS
novices, in their training under Heinrich Himmler at Wewelsburg
Castle, seems to have surfaced again in America.
A White Sands Missile Range Army Security document, placed in the
mailboxes of teachers at the White Sands Missile Range School, where
I taught in 1970-71—to ‘warn’ us about the awesome evils of
“atheism” and the “peace sign”—was evidence of the kind of
“knowledge” to which the Nazi/Christian/Templar “golden cup”/”Holy
Grail” myth refers. Disturbing as it may seem, the connection
between Fascism, God, the De Molays (junior Masons), and the
national security establishment, was obviated by the 1971 document,
which contained quite a number of errors and inaccuracies.
document demonized Atheists, even though Atheism is a religious
preference protected by the US. constitution and Bill of Rights,
which means the security people don’t respect our American freedoms,
and appear to have something else in mind. Note following words, “De
Molay”, “Christianity”, and “Atheism”, in the text of the White
Sands Security Bulletin, Security Office, Intelligence Division,
dated 19 Apr., 1971, which quotes directly from the New Mexico
DeMolay News, as follows (emphasis mine):
6Jean-Michel Angebert (Supra) Chapter 11.
“With the permission of the DeMolay Association of New Mexico,
article was excerpted from their January-February DeMolay News, Vol.
6—No. 1.

This illustration most of you will recognize as the ‘Peace Symbol.’
It is a popular emblem with protestors, draft card burners and
flower children. Furthermore, it has become a popular fad with
unsuspecting youth to embroider it on their clothes and paint it on
their cars.
Peace symbol? Hardly. Nor is it a product of today’s youth. The
symbol is an ancient one, but it has never been associated with
peace. It is actually one of the Satanic symbols known as the broken
cross or the ‘crucified cross.’ In short, it is one of the marks of
the Anti-Christ, the sign of Satan. During the Middle Ages, it was
known as the ‘Witch’s Foot.’
Look closely and you will readily see why it was adopted as the
subtle sign of those opposed to Christianity------it is a broken
cross turned up-side down.
One of the nation’s most sophisticated magazines, the NEW YORKER,
said in a recent article that the so-called “Peace Symbol” was
adopted by various ‘youth organizations’ on direct orders from the
Communist Party. It is part of their long range propaganda campaign
to attract youth into subversive Communist-directed programs. They
seek to encourage young people to express contempt for adults, for
authority, and for the ideals of patriotic Americans.
Be sure of one thing, the Communists are gleeful when they see this
mark of atheism worn by Americans, whether knowingly or
(signature) VINCENT B.COTE LTC, MPC Chief, Security Office DISTRIBUTION: (1/70) D except D-50 (1,000); F; AMSEL - bl (12) AMSTE -SE- (2)
The document had a quaint naivete to it, as well as some basic
theological ignorance. If the peace sign was a mark of “Satan”, how
could it be “Atheistic”? Wasn’t Satan supposed to be a ‘fallen
angel’? An Atheist doesn’t believe in such mythology, so there could
hardly be a connection between the peace sign and Atheism, even if
it were a Satanic symbol. Satan is supposed to be an enemy of his
father, God.
How could he disbelieve his father existed? An Atheist
can’t be an “enemy” of God, because to an Atheist, God doesn’t
exist, and you can’t be an enemy of something which doesn’t exist.
Immediately following this oxymoronic “Army Intelligence” blunder,
an article appeared in Navy Times, which gave a more “knowledgeable”
history of the iconography of the “peace sign” than the one written
by Army intelligence Fascists at White Sands, who wanted to equate
the peace sign with “Satan’s little plan”.
Navy scholars related the
peace symbol to the semaphore alphabet, as a combination of the two
diagonals (“N”), and a vertical line (“D”). It was first used by a
London group called Direct Action Committee Against Nuclear War
during the 1958 Easter March at Aldermastoh.
A facsimile of the NavyTimes clipping follows:

Judging from the Nazis’ involvement with Masonic teachings regarding
temple, the Tower of Babel before that, and to their eclectic
infatuation with related
esoteric material—as indicated by the triangular Illuminati symbol
for the “p2” project
run by von Braun in 1937 New Mexico—it is only natural that there
was a
Nazi-Masonic connection, and a Masonic-White Sands Missile Range
connection, along with Masonic connections to many other covert
operations as well.
The von Stauffenberg conspiracy to assassinate
Hitler, for example,
was an attempted coup d’etat by aristocratic Prussian Masons, to
install Field Marshall
Erwin Rommel as the new Fuehrer. Hitler may have been the dictator
of Germany at the
time, but he was not Germany itself, and the Masonic plot was
intended to get rid of
Hitler, and create a new government which could join with America
and England to stop
the Soviets.
Just as the White Sands Security Bulletin
information relating to
Masonic influence in the group which ran the Army security operation
at White Sands,
the Masonic scandal in Italy involved an attempted neo-Fascist coup
d’etat, by members of a clandestine “P-2” Lodge, a lodge with a
coded name which meant “Propaganda- Due” (“Propaganda-Two”), which
referred to the dualistic nature of a covert, Masonic government
which uses “dual propaganda” to control the public, similar to the
“Siamese Twin Big Lie System” I have detailed, and the Hermetic
The following facsimile clipping relates to the Masonic scandal in
Italy involving the attempted neo-fascist coup d’etat:

(NOTE: A synopsis of the above clipping is that the Italian
“P2” Masonic Lodge involved over 953 well known Masonic
businessmen, publishers, both the Christian Democrat and
Socialist parties, the Italian Secret Service, and the Labor
Ministry, in an oil industry scheme to set up an official
corporate-state fascist regime like that of Mussolini.)
Admission into Masonry requires a belief in “Almighty God”, which
comes as a
surprise when considered in light of esoteric mythological
information, related to the
origins and meanings of the myths of “The Holy Grail”, “Lucifer”,
and “Jesus”. The
word “grail” (“Graal”) comes from the language of the ancient
Albigensians (Al + bur +
gen + si + ans = “El-Barrow-Born-Sun-People”), in which “Gorr-“ +
“-aal” means
“Holy Stone of El” (“El” being Saturn [”Sa-“ + “-turn” = “Sun-Hare”,
meaning Osiris] or Lucifer [”Luci-“ + “-fer” = “Light-Hare”], or
Satan [”Sa-“ + “-tan” = “Sun-Dawn”]).
As the myth goes, when Lucifer—also known as the “Morning Star”—fell
from heaven, a sacred green emerald (the “sacred stone of El”) fell
from his crown. This was the “Holy Grail”. From it was supposedly
carved a cup known as “The Holy Grail”, which was searched for by
the Nazis7 in the vicinity of the ancient Pyrenees stronghold of the
Albigensians, whom they regarded as their “ancient Aryan spiritual
The Albigensians were burned at the stake (the “Pyre”,
hence “Pyrenees”), 700 years earlier, by the Catholic church. The
Nazi Ahnenerbe defined its mission as being to avenge the ancient
wrongs done to the Hyperborean (“O-phir-bore-an”, or
“East-Port-Barrow-People”) Cathars (“Ca-“ + “-thars” =
The Christian religion was designed by Josephus8 (A.K.A., General
Arius Calpurnius Piso), on behalf of the ruling Roman elite—who were
Hermeticists—to replace the old Arrian (Aryan) religion, in which
Osiris was the main god. Jesus was created literally as a
replacement for Lucifer, to become the “Messiah” for the ‘new’
religion for the “Age of Pisces”. Since the (five-pointed) morning
star (Venus) which was the symbol for Osiris (Lucifer), was also to
be the symbol for Jesus, Josephus made Jesus to be called, “the
bright and morning star”9. That means the Christians worship
Lucifer, disguised as Jesus. That Lucifer really is a deceiver!
It became apparent to me that only the government could have
financed and run
such an operation, and that only they had the motive to do so. Only
the corporate-state
O.S.I. conspirators had almost unlimited funds and financial
motivation to invest in such an endeavor. It was indeed astounding
that an O.S.I. agent whom I had known for years, had confirmed his
connection to the Secret Government, and attempting to recruit and
employ me in the fabrication of tacky CIA “alien” trash, to hoodwink
the American people, by concealing the advanced technology on behalf
of the IllumiNazis. Maybe the cult was financed by the dope
smuggling, minus a fat salary for Jim.
Our government creates and promotes hoaxes, backs fake propaganda
movies and
T.V. specials, and harasses anyone who threatens to expose them,
more to conceal energy secrets, rather than to protect aeronautical
or weapons technology. This is especially directed at anyone engaged
in research or inventing within the field of “free energy” or
“perpetual motion”. If anyone categorically doubts the feasibility
of perpetual motion devices, I would like to introduce you to my
real friend, the Universe, which, like an atom with its perpetually
orbiting electrons (as a rule and not an exception), is a perpetual
motion machine.
Nobody created it, nobody can destroy it or make it
disappear, nobody can stop it from working, and nobody can show any
‘external’ source of energy which runs it. It has no “gas tank”, no
beginning or end, and will never die. It is too big to have been
“created”, and if it were finite, what would it look like on the
outside? The S.E.C. cannot prosecute the Universe “out of business”.
Scientists who are incapable of conceiving of the infmiteness of the
Universe, and can only conceive it with a “beginning and an
end”—like Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm—are inferior and limited
thinkers who shouldn’t even be in the field of science.
7Jean -Michel Angebert, The Occult and the Third Reich, McGraw-Hill
Book Company.
8Abelard Reuchlin, The True Authorship of the New Testament, Abelard
Reuchlin Foundation, Kent, WA98064.
9New Testament, Revelations 22:16.
“UFO” groups—actually O.S.I, counterintelligence teams—falsely
create the illusion that occult groups are responsible for cattle
mutilations—by coordinating their activities with the inadvertent
reports of saucer sightings and the discovery of mutilated cattle by
the public.
Meanwhile, the government also disseminates other false
propaganda through “official sources” like the Santa Fe District
Attorney’s office, such as through the federally-funded $50,000.00
grant for a phony “investigation” conducted by former F.B.I. agent,
Ken Rommel, in which the government investigated itself. The purpose
of this “investigation” was to feed propaganda to the
pseudo-skeptical “Official Government”, Philip Klass/CSICOP side of
the phony debate, to protract the misinformation through continued
confusion and false conflict.
We the People—supposedly the damned ‘bosses’—are “not yet ready for
the technology” (the ostensible excuse for the over 50 years
continued secrecy, proffered at NSA/military/O.S.I./Air Force
oversight intelligence committee levels). But what about the bankers
and corporate IllumiNazis who in reality determine national—and
international—security policy? Isn’t it they who are “not yet ready
for the technology”? Is this the ultimate Wag the Dog scenario, or
There is traditionally a quasi-Nazi orientation of state police in
America, which is often interlocked with the CIA. In Texas, as a
Neighborhood Commissioner for the Boy Scouts in 1962, I attended a
scouting executive conference hosted by the Air Force at Big Spring.
For some unexplained reason, everyone started speaking German. Most
of the Buffalo Trail executives were of German or Nordic extraction.
The keynote address for the conference was to be delivered by the
head of the Texas Department of Public Safety, Col. Homer Garrison.
Also in attendance was (then Capt., later Col.) Wilson Speir. As I
waited in the “air room”, before Garrison’s address, Col. Speir
approached me and unexpectedly said, “Adolf Hitler was the finest
Christian gentleman the western world has ever seen, except he made
only one mistake, by failing to kill all the Jews.”
After the
conference, I was placed on the mailing list of several
anti-Semitic, Nazi-oriented publications, such as Conde McGinley’s
Common Sense, of Union, N.J. I never paid a dime, and the paper
continued to reach me no matter where I moved, until 1966. Many
policemen like Speir apparently admire Hitler because they consider
him to have been “a good cop”, who “cleaned up the streets of
Germany”. Police work sometimes naturally attracts authoritarian
types who think that an authoritarian state will diminish crime and
improve life. And imagine: A state in which the cops would be “top
dogs”! These are not good cops. They are “bad cops”.
Another thing this experience confirmed, was the Nazi orientation of
the Boy Scouts, similar to the transformation in Germany of the
Pfadtfindern (“Pathfinders”, the German equivalent of the Boy
Scouts), into the Jugendbunds (“Youth Bunds”), from which the S.S.
Hitlerjugends had grown. In Austin Texas, in 1968, a Boy Scouts of
America T.V. ad was narrated by one of Wernher von Braun’s N.A.S.A.
astronauts, John Glenn, now a U.S. Senator from Ohio (and the oldest
astronaut to go into space).
The ad showed Scouts on patrol, carrying patrol flags, running up a
hill and tumbling
down the other side, as a vaguely familiar German military march
played in the
background. I recollected having heard the march only a short time
before, in a televised
documentary of William Shirer’s Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. In
the documentary,
a Hungarian composer and favorite of Hitler—affectionately referred
to as
“Putzy”—related how he had composed a march entitled Youth Marches
Forward, on
request of the Fuehrer, for a propaganda film for his Hitlerjugends.
John Glenn gave his
recruitment spiel to American youth, and the ad with the march was a
verbatim copy of the Nazi ad. After I pointed this out to a few
people at the university, the ad was promptly jerked from the media
without public comment.
The same Col. Wilson Speir (previous page) who was a Scouting
official, and eventually became head of the D.P.S. in Texas, after
the death of Col. Homer Garrison (ca. 1966), was given a special
“heroism” award by President L.B.J., in 1967. Despite the numerous
inquiries of Senator ‘Babe’ Schwartz of Galveston, no one could
figure out what Speir had supposedly done to earn it. Schwartz
probably knew of Speir’s Nazi proclivities, and was just ‘turning up
the heat’. One of the first things Speir did when he took over the
D.P.S., was to create the state police’s very own “mini-CIA”. The
first thing to come to my mind, was Himmler’s S.S.. How deeply in
law enforcement has this influence penetrated?
In 1986, a young Atheist scout was kicked out because of his refusal
to believe in a “god”, or to pledge loyalty to “God”, as stated in
the “God and Country” phrase in the Boy Scout Oath. Asserting his
right to religious belief or non-belief, he brought suit to enjoin
the scouts to reinstate his membership, alleging not only the
un-American, illegal and unconstitutional discrimination against him
because of his beliefs, but also the abridgement of his 2nd
Amendment rights to protection against state recognition of an
establishment of religion.
He lost the suit and the U.S. Supreme
Court upheld what they referred to as the “right” of the Boy Scouts
of America to discriminate against Atheists. A taxpayer-provided
federal highway marker on 1-25 to the south of Santa Fe, directs the
public to a local Boy Scout meeting hall, as official sponsorship of
the Scouts, who discriminate against Atheists, just as they might do
against Jews. Ergo, the state officially discriminates against
It is disturbing to think that these Christian fascists equate only
their religious beliefs with “good”, while the beliefs of “Atheists”
are automatically associated with “evil”. Perhaps someone should
have told them that “Satan”, to an Atheist, is purely a mythological
creation which belongs to the Christians and Jews. The Communists
only pretended to be Atheists, but in reality, substituted a
different pantheon of gods (their leadership), under a different set
of mystical beliefs, replacing the myth of “god” with the myth of
“collective consciousness”, the same as the Tibetan Bonpas.
Atheism is inconsistent to totalitarianism, since Atheists are by
definition individualists who reject both Christian, Communist, or
any other mystical collectivism. Without blind acceptance of what a
totalitarian government or religion tells you, based on faith rather
than reason—such as the idea of a “collective consciousness”—as the
basis for a “more just”, “more scientific”, or “superior” form of
government or society, a collectivist system breaks down.
There is
nothing in the world’s major religions to prevent them from
practicing communism or fascism, which are based on the same kind of
altruism. In fact, wherever these religions have become the “state”
religions, the results have been communistic or fascistic. Many
people like Stalin, merely exchanged their priestly garbs for
communist or fascist uniforms, without even breaking stride. Fidel
Castro was converted to Marxist-Leninism by two Jesuit priests,
while in the Sierra Maestas of Cuba, preparing for his final march
on Havana.
I have found nothing in the lives or works of such famous Atheist as
Giuseppe Verde, Mark Twain, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, Nathan
Hale, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and many others whom you
might never suspect, to urge anything other than a free system,
including the right to believe as one chooses, upon others.
Many of our most famous Atheists have been forced by circumstances
to pay “lip service” to Christianity, Judaism, or other religions,
including Communism, in public statements, coerced by corporate
fascists who consider the mind-control mechanisms of “collective
belief indispensable to the security of their coercive “systems”.
It is easy to be confused when the government spreads false
propaganda among a public willing to believe it. A 1953 panel was
set up to “investigate” flying saucers, headed by Dr. H.P.
Robertson—an O.S.I, consultant, chosen to head the Robertson
Panel—which eventually issued what was called The Robertson Report
(on “UFOs”), intended to embellish the cover-up which has been
protracted until today.
The N.S.A. (parent agency to the O.S.I.) is known in the “trade” as
“The Puzzle Palace”10. A ‘puzzle’ is something that comes in bits
and pieces, but “puzzle palace” implies a place where puzzles are
created, like a “pizza palace” creates pizzas. Through “false
puzzles”—the pieces of which fit together to form false pictures—the
public is misinformed in such a way that they believe they have
pieced a puzzle together, and “...figured something out”, when in
reality they were suckered in by the O.S.I.
These “puzzles” might
lead a rational person to conclude that the scenarios are too corny
to believe, but the religious history of the world shows that ‘mass’
society is hooked on corny scenarios, especially “religious” or
“spiritual” ones. O.S.I, think tanks—guided by the S.S. mystics of
Reinhard Gehlen’s RSHA—have designed these phony ‘alien’ scenarios,
using the principles of secret, mystical movements, societies and
religions of the world.
This technique was influenced by the fact
that, in the creation of librettos for grand opera, composers and
librettists know that successful librettos must be “schmaltzy”
(Yiddish for “chicken-fatty”, but meaning “corny” and overdone).
This conclusion influenced the modern Big Lie Technique, as stated
by Adolf Hitler:
“In the size of the lie there is always contained a certain factor
credibility, since the great masses of people...will more easily
victim to a great lie than to a small one, since they
sometimes in little things... Thus such an idea of an untruth will
at all enter their heads...therefore, just for this reason, some
part of
the most impudent lie will remain and stick “.
Sometimes determining the truth is just a matter of common sense,
being a good judge of character, and at other times, objectivity in
listening to the ridiculousness of what is being said. You sometimes
know the truth because it is reasonable, is being told by a calm,
sane, reasonable and honest person, unconnected to the government,
who is not given to flights of fantasy, corroborated by other
reliable sources. People who say they “met space beings” (p. 133),
are either government liars, attention seekers, insane, or pathetic
victims of slick government cons.
Why do these liars have such illegal power over us? We shall know
the truth— which is a pack of CIA lies. The 1979-80 “investigation”
by ex-FBI agent Ken Rommel, reported in the New Mexican, is
immediately refuted by a letter from Thomas Martin of Santa Fe, as
shown in the following facsimile news clippings from the New Mexican
(ca. 1980):
10James Bamford, The Puzzle Palace [1982],

Some policemen are responsible to the people, rather than to
totalitarian-like bureaucracies which direct them. One gutsy New
Mexico State Police member, Gabe Valdez, of Dulce, New Mexico, who
is both intelligent and truly courageous, took on the phony FBI/CIA
“mutilations investigation” of ex-FBI agent, Ken Rommel, head-on.
The following is my facsimile clipping, with photo of Valdez:

The issues are whether the cattle are,
being intentionally
“mutilated” by weirdos (highly unlikely); or,
being killed and
eaten by predators with scalpels for teeth (Valdez’ “big fools”
believe this); or,
being subjected to particle beam
experimentation, exsanguination, and surgical extraction of tissue
to analyze for ionizing radiation damage (the “MRA” under the
As I have already said, an Albuquerque scientist
named Calvin Horn, among others, years ago found that a standard
blood coagulent and a microwave chamber were used to thoroughly
exsanguinate the carcasses (even removing traces of copper from the
livers). A cauterizing scalpel (invented in 1938, for those idiots
who are easily mystified by technology as old as I am) removes
tissue in non-bleeding cuts, cauterizing as it goes. The blood and
tissue are then processed and run through a counter to determine the
number of cells affected and how. Since it’s secret, you know it’s
illegal and bad for us.
There is also the compelling evidence of strange aircraft which are
silent (not helicopters), glow orange, and, as described by Gave
Valdez, “...look like an evening star.” Some of these ships,
incidentally, have been photographed up close, “in the act.” After
the cattle have been removed to a laboratory—at a secret government
facility, or in the saucers themselves—and are fully processed, the
carcasses are dropped from the air, so as to avoid tracks around
them for investigators to find, though tracks may appear at pick-up
Some have been found lodged high in the branches of
trees. As Tom Martin implied a couple of pages back, it’s stupid to
call these partial dissections, tissue samplings and experiments
“mutilations”, any more than one would refer to an apendectomy as a
“mutilation”, unless the surgeon is extremely incompetent, or
insists on proving he’s no “button-holer”.

The golden Vapio Cups depict ancient Minoan “cowboys” of 3,500 years
ago, rounding up bulls for the “pagan” ceremonies commencing
important gatherings, in which such cups were used to drink the
blood of young bulls. This “Golden Cup Ceremony” spread from Asia
(Western Siberia), into the Mediterranean, and throughout the
Celto-Nordic tribes, as traditions of the westward-migrating bands
of mixed Norse, Mongols, and Moors.
It appeared in the ancient Nibelungenlied (“Song of the Nibelungs”, the pan-Germanic epic),
became known as the “Holy Grail” myth, and was eventually taken up
by both the Christians—who erroneously associated it with their
religion—and by the Nazis, via their Ahnenerbe/Thule Societies,
within the “Old Prussian” Masonic Illuminati, which revived the
ceremony in neo-pagan Luciferian/Osirian Nazi S.S. ceremonial toasts
to “knowledge” and “pure Aryan blood”. This and the Egyptian Apis
Bull myth are more fully connected in Chapter VII.
Then came the O.S.I, with its cattle mutilations cover-up, and
covertly operated “O.S.I.R.I.S.” pseudo-occult front group, to which
they psychopolitically imputed responsibility—not to exclude the
possibility that the ceremonies are actually those of Nazis
perpetuating a secret S.S. infrastructure within the CIA—and daring
us to catch them. Was not von Braun an Obersturmbannfuehrer in the
S.S.? Were any Blacks or Jews reported in these groups?
“O.S.I.R.I.S.” gatherings are coordinated with saucer sightings and
related secret medical experiments (“mutilations”), to throw outside
investigators off. The F.B.I.’s position is ‘natural causes’ for the
experiments, and ‘blackouts’ on the saucers, while the Air Force’s
suspicious behavior lends false credibility to the cover-up
conspiracy theory.
Seeking to rectify a blundering lack of visual arts finesse which
was apparent in the original 1947 Roswell Hoax, the CIA now employs
more skillful technicians, artists, and panels of Ph.D.s. In 1985,
they warmed up the old Roswell leftovers as the “MJ-12” hoax, to
retroactively fabricate a coverup in 1947. (There was a 1947
cover-up, but that was to conceal the fatal flaws in the hastily
bungled initial hoax.) A lingering phoniness is obviated by the
contorted, over-scholarly extremes to which they have gone, to
create the effect that occult groups—with names like
“O.S.I.R.I.S.”—are responsible for the cattle mutilations. Oh, what
tangled webs they weave, when first they practice to deceive!
Some of the related literature goes so far as to say that the
ancient Egyptians were a colony of “aliens from space”. Since the
O.S.I.R.I.S. members were so “well-mannered”, “young”, “neat”, and
“well-dressed”, it is difficult to imagine them hoisting up huge
bull carcasses to drain them of blood, or surgically removing
genitalia, anal tissue, etc., muchless gorging themselves on huge
quantities of warm bull blood, like a lusty band of ancient Minoans
or Celts.
As obvious titillations to ancient history detectives, arcane clues
disseminated to mystify the surrounding circumstances (the work of
the “Puzzle Palace”) invite scholars to “uncover” the sham “cover-up
conspiracy”, not to mention the obscure Golden Cup Ceremony. The
scenario is so devious, that only a team of diploma-mill Ph.D.s
employed by the CIA could have conceived it!
What better use for
‘surplus’ graduates in ancient history or archaeology?
The scenario
incidentally reveals an all too explicable familiarity with the
esoterica of the S.S. Ahnenerbe dilettantes, considering the fact
that these labyrinthine contortions were bequeathed to the CIA by
the S.S. Using the same material—the dissemination for which S.S.
theorists were once hung or shot by the Tribunal at Nuremberg—our
own CIA, revealing its S.S. affinities, subtly brainwashes us with
this garbage with impunity, in subliminal psychopolitical messages.
We should be outraged that our government engages in this BIG
BROTHER mystical, religious shamanism and huxterism, treating us
like psychopolitical zombies; “Uncle Sham” at his worst!
In the ancient Egyptian religion, Hapi—one of the four sons of Horus
the hawk or falcon—and one of the four kings of the cardinal points
of the earth—is shown as a baboon-god which is the dual namesake for
the ‘Apis’ Bull. The bull and ape are both forms of Osiris, the
father and son of Horus, as part of early ‘holy trinity’ myth copied
by Josephus. The military intelligence/Illuminati committees
proffered up monkies as aliens at Roswell in 1947, using the shaved
and dyed rhesus monkies (which are very close to the original
“cynocephalus” (“Chinese-headed”) baboons used by the Ancient
Egyptians), to produce alienoid/humanoid-looking beings.
An examination of all this stuff makes it ever more maddeningly
apparent that BIG BROTHER has been playing games with our minds,
planting ancient Egyptian esoterica, either out of inherent
bureaucratic plagiarism and uncreative laziness, or to dare some
scholarly investigator to eventually discover it. Or did they think
this was so slick that we mere ‘civilians’ would never unravel it?
Was this an insider joke for Illuminati-employed Egyptologists, or
just a short-cut for lazy Ph.D.s, who plagiarized their scenario
from sources so obscure they mistakenly believed we would never
discover how incompetent they were? Or, are the Illuminati who
control the intelligence community so egotistical about their
esoteric beliefs, that they insist on scattering the earmarks of
them all about, as they gloat in secret pleasure?
“Apis” is Greek for “Hapi”, the namesake for the “Apis Bull”
(“Ape-Bull”), involved in the Golden Cup Ceremony (“Apis” contains
the apparent root for “ape”). The sacred bull was chosen for a white
triangle on his forehead, as another maddening Trilateral symbolic
parallel! The bull was referred to as “Osiris Apas” (in Greek,
“Osorapis”). Literally, this means “East-Hare-Ape-(Bull)”, a sort of
animal/god conglomerate typical of the Egyptian religion. So there
is “O.S.I.R.I.S.”, there are the apes, and the mutilations are the
Golden Cup Ceremonies! Gee, I solved the Puzzle Palace’s “puzzle of
the month”!
Rhesus monkies possess exotic, ‘alienoid’
characteristics—“cynocephalous”, humanoid faces with large, soulful,
slanted eyes—with subhuman body size, and similarities to the sacred
baboon form of Osiris, convenient for transformation into the “space
beings” of the Roswell/MJ-12 hoaxes. Furthermore, a handy supply of
rhesus monkies from the Regional Primate Research Laboratory, at
Alamogordo (or its predecessor agency) were already being killed in
the rocket sled accelerator experiments, as substitutes for human
pilots, preparatory to manned flights in rocket planes such as the
X-15, leading up to the moon missions envisioned by Wernher von
The monkies were already outfitted with the helmets and
G-suits, to simulate human conditions as closely as possible. The
original photos showed pressure lines and lacings visible on the
G-suits, which would have been unnecessary had the monkies been
pilots of flying saucers, which canceled most if not all of the
G-force. The original photos which I saw, now appear to be
unavailable, except in the memories of myself and those who saw
When one of these shaved dead babies is dyed green, and you put his
G-suit and helmet on, with those like DEAD eyes looking out from
under those droopy eyelids, the effect is EERIE enough to convince
some gullible people that they are “aliens”. The dead lab animals
were shaved, in order for the G-suits to be effective (the pressure
with the animal hair would be ineffective). The total effect was in
fact TOO WEIRD, and even the government bunglers eventually backed
off from that one. The key words here are LAZY and BAD TASTE.
original photos showed the fatal flaws—identifiability of the
critters as monkies, and apparently man-made constuming and
equipment—since aliens capable of traveling millions of light years
through interstellar space, would probably not use conventional
sewing machines and lacings to make their garments. Exposure of the
1947 fakery, exposes the ensuing protracted hoaxes. Ergo, the newly
created (c. 1985) MJ-12 documents scenario, ex post facto, was also
a hoax. The original hoax at Roswell was already out of the bag and
had to be altered, since it was obviously bungled. A hoax to conceal
a bungled hoax.
The major error in the original 1947 Roswell hoax, after the dead
monkies were all dressed up for the rocket sled, was in deciding to
go ahead and give them “somewhere (else) to go”, without more
professional consultation. At that point, some G.I. with bad taste
and judgment, probably said something like “...Yeah...that’s
it..that’s what an alien would look like! Let’s do it!”
Roswell was the largest town in the general area, the citizens of
which had almost all seen saucers, or had close friends who had seen
one of more. Because of the fantastic electrical flight
characteristics and inadequate control and navigational systems of
the earlier saucers, the government was unable to conceal them while
developing them in the area. The hoax was an ill-conceived attempt
to explain away the many sightings near the secret military bases,
where excited post-war saucer experimentation accompanied the influx
of German saucers and personnel, immediately after the war, soon
followed by more. The hoax was intended to convince the many people
who had seen saucers, that they weren’t “ours”.
The government had its hands full trying to keep the German saucers
secret, what with the fifteen thousand German scientific, technical,
support and security personnel.
All those people had to have recreation, which created even more
security problems. The
German personnel often went down to nearby Juarez and Ojinaga,
Mexico, to blow off
steam and whoop it up. Naturally, some of them were arrested and
held in Mexican jails
after all-night drinking bouts, whoring, and brawls. Getting
foreigners out of Mexican jails has always been difficult, and the
Juarez jail was a sort of old dungeon which was notorious for its
large rats and bugs.
While at the University of Texas, I had a neighbor named Helen Nash.
Helen was married to retired A.F. sergeant George Nash, whose father
had gambled away the fortune earned with his grandfather’s Nash
Automobile Company. Helen was from Germany. She had an old ancestral
castle over in East Germany, near the Czech border, which the West
German government bought from her, since they figured sooner or
later, the divided Germany would be brought back together again, and
they would have ‘title’.
The old castle would make a fine tourist
attraction. Now that’s what I call thinking ahead. Helen’s father
owned all the pleasure boats on the Rhein. His main boat was called
the “Barbarossa”. That made me wonder just how far ahead the Germans
were thinking. Anyone out there get that? Barbarossa (“Red Beard”)
is the Germanic myth about an old man who awakens from his slumber
every so often, and comes out of his cave to stalk the earth. The
myth is an esoteric Nazi code symbolic of the return of a new
Hitler, in a Fourth Reich.
At 15 years of age, Helen, who spoke five or six languages, was
brought to Alamogordo/White Sands from Bavaria, as a security agent
for the German Operation Paperclip contingency of the secret flying
saucer/rocket project. One of her main jobs was to negotiate with
Mexican authorities, to get German scientists, soldiers, and other
personnel out of the Mexican jails, and to act as an interpreter
whenever necessary. She was like an extension of the German Embassy,
very highly connected because of her aristocratic family.
sometimes cost a lot of money to get the Germans out of the Mexican
jails. Helen never denied my accusations that the German contingency
she worked with included the flying saucer group, but since she
still held the rank of major in German Intelligence, she was still
bound from saying more by security regulations. Helen was brought to
White Sands as part of Operation Paperclip, while von Braun was at
Ft. Bliss, and the entire German flying saucer project was brought
to America, because the Russians were threatening to overrun West
Germany, and superficially it was feared that they might acquire the
technology, though it was more likely that the Illuminati was
completely eradicating the “German memory” of the “KT-p2” Projekt.
The decision to execute the Roswell hoax was probably not previewed
or fully authorized by the Pentagon, failing to anticipate that
their Illuminati bosses would still be relying upon it 38 years
later (in 1985, at the time of “MJ-12”). So the old, flawed hoax was
buried, and the new revised MJ-12 hoax was created to replace it. No
one has come up with the photos which were published not only in
newspapers, but magazines as well. That means that, in the 47 years
since, the spooks have continually combed the shelves and files of
libraries, newspapers, magazines and publishers, and “retrieved”
every last stitch of this evidence, except whatever might still be
buried somewhere in someone’s old pile of c. 1947-1968 magazines,
newspapers or other effects.
Down in Roswell, on Mar. 25, 1994, the government liars and their
agents and dupes, were ballyhooing up a “conference” over the
“Roswell Incident”, coinciding with the filming of the T.V.
production, “Roswell”. They have two main tourist attractions in
Roswell. One of them is the “Roswell Incident” hoax, and the other
is the “Billy the Kid” hoax. Recently, information has come to light
that William Bonny (the “Kid”), was not killed by Pat Garrett, but
died Dec. 27, 1950 at almost 91 years of age, in Hico, Texas, going
by the name O.L (“Brushy Bill”) Roberts.
This was documented by Dr. C.L. Sonnichsen (Alias Billy the Kid,
1955, written for William V. Morrison). Dr. Sonnichsen was a well
established historian, who was often published through the
University of Oklahoma Press, other Universities, and some private
presses. I met him twice, once in the printshop of Karl Hertzog, the
typographer for the press of the University of Texas at El Paso, and
a second time in Santa Fe, where he attended a Southwest writers’
conference, and we had a very enjoyable supper together at the La
Fonda Hotel. He was well-acquainted with my old friend, J. Evetts
Haley, the western (“cowboy”) historian, and with Tom Lea, the
painter, muralist, and writer, who wrote and illustrated the book,
The Mustang11.
You can imagine the reaction of the “Kid” aficionados
at Roswell, as well as those at Ft. Sumner, where the Kid was
supposedly buried, after being ‘gunned down’ by Pat Garrett. They
weren’t about to let ‘revisionists’ put an end to a good thing,
since a lot of their tourist income and local color is tied up in
keeping things the way they are. They too had conferences, featuring
forensic experts from Los Alamos, doing computer analyses of photos
of the Kid and Brushy Bill, etc., etc.
But if you have an artist’s
eye, and casually look at the photos of the Kid and Brushy Bill, you
can see they are the same person, separated by about 40 years.
Roberts had over 22 documents proving his identity as “Billy the
Kid”. Ft. Sumner advertises the grave site and Kid museum on
billboards all around the area. Oh yeah! That “Brushy Bill” thing
sure was a hoax! The Illuminati and CIA also oppose such
revisionism, because it threatens to destroys confidence in “their”
false history.
Jesse James’ cousin, Ola Everhard, of Lovington, New Mexico, let the
cat out of the bag a few years ago, concerning the truth about the
death of Jesse James. Among my childhood friends, were the
great-grandsons of Frank James, (“Jimmy” and “Al” Schlosser), and
the grandson of a Mr. Shea (“Seay”, or “See”?), Tommy Mulcahy
(“Mulkey”?). Shea had been in the Army of Northern Virginia. When
Lee surrendered, Shea couldn’t accept it, and joined Quantill’s
Raiders in New Mexico.
That is where Shea became friends with the
James brothers. Later, Shea rode with Billy the Kid in the Lincoln
County Wars, and maintained his old friendship with the James
brothers, as well as the Kid, for whom he had a good deal of
respect. Shea’s respect was not easily won, and I don’t think it was
completely due to the fact that the Kid (temporarily) used an Irish
name, William Bonny. That was all explained by Dr. Sonnichsen. I
always knew that ‘Bonny’ and the James brothers (Frank and Jesse)
had died of natural causes, after living considerably longer lives
than most.
Frank James, a published historian, ran a profitable
antique business at Valley Mills, Texas, near Waco, where he died of
old age. His grandson, Jesse James Howard, raised in the Cimmarron,
attended the University of Texas in 1938, wearing buckskins,
moccasins, beads, and long pigtails. In the ‘60s, he jokingly
boasted that he had been the “first hippy” at U.T., in 1938. He was
Jim and Al’s uncle.
Mr. Shea and the James boys (who used the names Bounds and Howard)
would get together on their favorite patriotic holiday, the Fourth
of July. I remember them getting together 1947, at the Schlosser
house across Tornillo street, in Kermit. Shea looked resplendent in
his Confederate Uniform, which he wore on such occasions. The
get-together was attended by Shea, Frank and Jesse James, “Brushy
Bill Roberts” (“Billy the Kid”), and their descendants. I can
remember playing with a boy named “Franklin D. Bounds” (named after
F.D.R.), who was Jesse James’ great grandson.
11Tom Lea, The Mustang, University of Texas at El Paso Press [ca.
Many times, Jim and Al had proudly shown me Jesse’s favorite rifle,
an oddball caliber Winchester saddle gun, which hung on their wall.
That gun had been used in the famous Northfield Minnesota Amnesty
Raid. And of course, when we played “guns”, Jim and Al would play
Jesse and Frank, often arguing about which one played Jesse.
I remember on that 1947 Fourth of July, that, as Mr. Shea came
striding down Tornillo street toward the Schlosser house, and I
played in the front yard with Al, the three old men with
canes—Frank, Jesse, and Billy—came in the gate. Al said, “Hey Bill,
how’d you like to meet Jesse James, Frank James and Billy the Kid?”
I said, “Yeah!”, and, as the old men came by, I shook their hands,
as they said “How-do, young feller”, but Al’s sister told his
mother, and I was taken into the house and asked to promise to never
tell anyone about the ‘ghosts’ I’d seen.
Jimmy and Al got severely reprimanded for telling me “too much”,
since Jesse and Frank may still have had prices on their heads at
the time. Though I knew the truth, and was sworn to it, and despite
the fact that I tried to cover for them by telling their mother that
they had told me nothing, the boys were still whipped, even though
their parents weren’t “mean”. The events of that day told me two
things: It was true that Jesse James was still alive, and Jim, Al
and I weren’t good liars.
Frank James, whose family used the name Howard (not Jesse’s family,
as some thought), and Jesse James (whose family used the Bounds
name) had been given secret pardons by the ‘carpetbag’ governor,
Edmund Davis, of Texas. They had previously acquired incriminating
evidence on a fellow carpetbag governor, Crittenden of Missouri, and
blackmailed him into prevailing upon Davis to give them the pardons.
The man shot by Bob Ford, in Missouri, was actually a notorious
murderer , wanted “dead or alive”, named Charlie Bigelow, who looked
a lot like Jesse. It was he who was laid in the grave, at the
“funeral of Jesse James”, in 1882. James even helped carry Bigelow’s
coffin, and Bigelow’s wife, posing as Jesse’s wife, even identified
the body for the coroner, as “Jesse’s”! Unfortunately, Bob Ford was
subsequently killed in a Colorado saloon by a James fan.
Mr. Shea,
over 103 in 1947, died at 104, in 1948. He had taught his grandson,
Tommy Mulcahy, at the age of two, to recite every state in the Union
and its capitol, as well as the Gettysburg Address and the
Declaration of Independence. The old man had a great patriotic love
of America, and was one of the few who knew the Civil War was not
about slavery. Out of respect for my friends, I didn’t reveal the
truth about the James brothers until after their deaths. No one
would have believed me anyway, and most won’t believe me now.
Jesse James died of natural causes on August 15, 1951, in Granbury,
Texas (on the
Brazos River, about 30 miles southwest of Ft. Worth) at age 10312.
Billy the Kid
(A.K.A. William Roberts) had died the year before, on December 27,
1950, in Hico, 195 miles west13. The two had known each other for
over 89 years, and they were almost relatives. The James brothers
had come together on July 4, 1947, to Kermit, to talk over the “old
days”, and to visit family members and their old friend Mr. Shea.,
and to celebrate Independence Day.
Why do I tell you all these old stories? What do they have to do
with the “Roswell
Hoax”? These stories have to do with all historical hoaxes, because
they show that, as usual, there is often a true story behind the
‘official’ version.
12Dr. Charles L. Sonnichsen, Alias Billy the Kid [commissioned by
William V. Morrison, 1955].
13C.L. Sonnichsen, Supra.
That is because societies have almost always been controlled by an
elite, through such hoaxes and false history, such as, that Reinhard
Heydrich was assassinated in Bohemia in 1942, Hitler shot himself in
the mouth in 1945, Jesse James was shot in the back in Missouri,
Billy the Kid was shot by Pat Garrett, John F. Kennedy was shot by a
“lone gunman” named Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963, and an “alien saucer”
crashed in Roswell in 1947.
In order to understand the “Roswell Hoax”, one has to know a little
about the local history, psychology, and vested interests involved.
A whole culture has grown up in New Mexico around the Billy the
Kid/Lincoln County Wars stories, as well as the “alien saucer” hoax.
On the “old west” folklore, there are museums, ‘experts’, graves,
historical plaques, conferences, historical reenactments and
pageants, gunslinger contests, and annual celebrations, and would
virtually have the same things on the “alien saucer hoax”, if only
they had laid the little dudes to rest in proper graves.
the researchers incinerated the corpses along with other dead lab
animals, especially since the corpses were beginning to stink very
badly while they were at the hospital).
Rhesus monkies, like humans,
release their bowel contents when they die, so the G-suits were
getting pretty nasty after a few days in the July hot desert sun.
It is the carnival/tourist-trap psychology of the dusty little town
of Roswell, which the government has tried to key into, rather than
the local military yahoos, in perpetrating the initial Roswell hoax,
but the atmosphere of the 1997 “50 Year Anniversary of the Roswell
Incident” gravitated—or perhaps ascended—to the level of & folk
festival, with people coming from the countryside with all kinds of
alien kitsch, folk art, food and beverage stands, bands, and RVs, in
hopes of making a few dollars and to have a good time. Most of them
didn’t even break even.
In respect to the ‘alien saucer’ hoax, just enough false clues were
leaked through covert means, to keep the Big Lie alive, while
attempting to conceal the original hoax by retrieving evidence, like
stealing my two photos, and buying Bart Wilson’s photo. Hindsight is
sometimes 20/20. If the government revealed its part in the hoax, or
if someone comes along with physical evidence exposing it, the
government hoax will be done for, but as for the “folk festival”,
I’m sure some Roswell entrepreneurs will come up with the idea of a
“Great Roswell Alien Hoax Museum”. After all, why should the
Piltdown Man hoax get all the glory?
The family of my brother-in-law, Paul E. Jette III, a coach at Mount
Pleasant, Texas, were early Anglo settlers in the Roswell area.
Paul’s great-grandfather was John Blazer, whose mill was the site of
a well-known skirmish in the Lincoln County War. Some of Paul’s
family lived at Mescalero, the location of Dr. Robert Goddard’s
rocket workshop. Paul III and my older sister, Ramona, took their
honeymoon at Blazer’s Mill, near Mescalero. Goddard, Willy Ley, and
Wernher von Braun fired experimental rockets in 1935-37, from nearby
Eden Valley. Paul and Mona rode to the old Blazer place in a wagon
used on the honeymoons of two previous generations of Jettes, as
well as by many others in the family.
Paul Jette, I (“Pop” Jette), married John Blazer’s half-Souix
daughter, shortly after
1900. He had been the quarterback for the University of Georgia when
Knute Rockne of
Notre Dame had thrown the first forward pass. He set up the first
modern athletic
programs in New Mexico, at the University of New Mexico in
Albuquerque, and at New
Mexico State University (then “N. M. A. & M. Univ.”, set up with
statehood, under
Teddy Roosevelt’s plan).
Then he was the head of the I. N. S. Paul
Ill’s aunt was the
Army nurse present in Roswell when the so-called ‘alien’ was
dissected. She had previously been a captured Army nurse at
Corrigidor in the ‘40s, survived the Bataan Death March, and
continued her work as a nurse at Roswell until becoming a Sister of
Charity nun. Roswell researchers have been unable to locate her. I
know where she is, but don’t want her to be bothered by
‘UFOlogists’. Her sister, Leona, told me about the rhesus monkies in
1958. The sisters also remembered von Braun and Dr. Robt. Goddard,
when they test-fired their rockets at Eden Valley, near Goddard’s
workshop in Mescalero, in the 1930s. A young unmarried German baron
in his early twenties didn’t escape the attention of the girls in
the small town of Mescalero, of course!
Roswell hoax dupes said the ‘aliens’ had no teeth, only four fingers
on each hand, had “suction cups” on their fingertips, and were
“...not human”. Their teeth had been removed because military
personnel were being bitten while shaving them, and putting the
tight-fitting G-suits on them. Their fingertips were nipped off,
healing to suction cup-type configurations. Their ears were
surgically removed so the space helmets would fit, and they were
deafened because the roar of the rocket sled drove them crazy.
thumbs were surgically removed to keep them from escaping from the
rocket sled harnesses, or from ripping or grabbing at personnel. The
little guys were usually crushed to death by G-forces in repeated
rocket sled runs, or in one of von Braun’s reworked V-2s, during
tests determining the “GS” a human pilot might withstand.
The strength of these monkies are several times that of humans for
their size. (I know about that, since I have a scar on my right
hand, slashed at lightening speed by a rhesus monkey at a circus.
The nasty cut was difficult to heal, because of infection caused by
the filthy nails of the monkey). The reports that the monkies
“weren’t human”, was absolutely correct, since rhesus monkies are
East Indian short-tailed monkeys, not humans. There was a switch
from the more problematic rhesus monkies, to easier to manage and
more docile chimpanzees, around 1952, about the time of the first
publicized rocket rides of the chimps.
Following my July, 1993 first edition, the general excitement
created by UFOlogy groups and their begged question that the
government “concealed evidence of the crash of an alien space ship
at Roswell in 1947”, Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt published yet
another book, The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell, in 1994. At
page 149, they state: “Even Schaffner admits that earliest launches
of rhesus monkeys occurred in the early ‘50s. He found no evidence
that monkeys had been used in 1947.” According to their own
documentation, the records of the Space Center in Alamogordo say the
first use of monkies in rocket launches was on June 11, 1948. Was
this “...the early ‘50s”? And, these were records of “rocket”
launches, not the rocket sled, which naturally preceded the flights
of the monkies in rockets, in 1948.
G-suits, helmets, face masks and oxygen supplies were required on
the rocket sled for the monkeys, to replicate contemplated human
conditions as closely as possible. In addition, acceleration on the
rocket sled would take away their breath, and if the monkies had
died of anything except G-forces, the tests would have been useless.
(Incidentally, my Albuquerque friend, Merill Holste, invented the
G-suit in the ‘40s, but the government stole it from him and
pretended that a man connected to a large corporation had invented
it.) Of course, if records could prove that the “aliens” at Roswell
were rhesus monkies, they would naturally be classified, since they
could document the hoax, like my photos. I also remember seeing a
film on the 1947 rocket sled tests using them, simple as that.
The most telling thing about Randle and Schmitt’s 1994 book, is that
they attempted to address a question without saying who raised it,
in their statement that “another researcher” had examined the
“possibility” of rhesus monkies in a crashed V-2 or A-9 German
rocket, as the basis for the “crash”. I was the one who had raised
the issue of rhesus monkies, which was then distorted with the
reference to a possible rocket crash.
True to CIA form, they didn’t
advertise my book by mentioning it, because the CIA UFOlogists will
only cite ‘documentation’ they created and control, but Randle and
Schmitt looked kind of silly attempting to answer my assertion
without citing its source. They got their facts wrong on the rockets
too, because V-2s and other German rockets were tested from May,
1946 until 1952, at White Sands Missile Range, by von Braun and
Highly publicized books by OSI contractors shows the systematic
evasion of my questions, and a persistent asking of the wrong
questions. They fall into two irrational groups:
(1) The group
asserting an alien spacecraft crash
(2) the group denying an
alien spacecraft crash, but asserting an experimental weather
balloon crash, and adding that UFOlogists are crazy because they
believe in “alien UFOs”
The UFOlogists have intentionally made it
easy for the OSI pseudo-skeptics, by providing them with assertions
and questions which make a denial look correct, except for the
weather balloon lie, used to cover the initially bungled rhesus
monkey hoax.
The Roswell hoax illustrates how our government went into a
relatively remote area—such as the southwest was in 1947—and
intimidated and slandered the credibilities of literally thousands
of people, with lies that those who had seen saucers were liars,
were crazy, were publicity-seekers, or were all those things. Rather
than to endure ridicule, most people learned to pretend that they
saw nothing, and that the sky was ‘off limits’ to one’s credibility.
To hell with Aristotle! Plato’s ‘Cave Analogy’ was now “official
U.S. government epistemology”.
Not to diminish the importance of understanding the hoaxes
concealing the saucers,
there appears to have been other monkey business afoot at nearby
White Sands Proving
Grounds, under the “space program” being hyped by von Braun, as a
propaganda tool to
get funding for the rocket and the secret saucer projects.
It is a
little embarrassing to
think that the rocket program is a part of the BIG LIE scheme, since
the saucer
technology is so much cheaper, durable, faster, and much more
fantastic. In retrospect,
the rocket program appears to have always been a mask for the flying
saucer stuff, and a
much more monstrous and expensive hoax than the Roswell hoax, having
as its purpose
the enrichment of the chemical and ‘aerospace’ corporations, to get
their impetus behind
the program, as well as to enlist their backing in the concealment
of the saucer
technology, thereby also fraudulently enriching the oil and
automobile companies, and
adding their impetus to the program.
To paraphrase Hitler, “The
State and industry are
to be partners; one hand washes the other.”14
In 1970, I met a newspaper writer at the Odessa American, in Odessa,
where my sister Liz had once been the amusements editor. The
writer’s name was
something like John Behmer. He had worked for several newspapers in
New Mexico
over the years. Since my reporter girlfriend had told him that I was
interested in flying
saucers, he told me that if I would come in, he would give me some
old photos he had
found knocking around in a dusty old file drawer of a southwestern
newspaper, possibly in Lovington, New Mexico.
14Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf.
The photos were the ones I mentioned which
had been sent out to newspapers in the southwestern region by Walter
Haut, the “P.I.O.” involved in the Roswell Hoax. One of the photos
showed three of the dead rhesus monkies in their little G-suits and
helmets, and the other photo showed the junky little fake saucer.
The saucer was so small, the monkies would barely have fitted into
it, with barely room for one of them under the little plastic bubble
canopy on its top. It was smaller even than the “Vril” types
purportedly built by the Germans.
Behmer said I should be careful who I showed the photos to, since
the security people had very thoroughly attempted to retrieve all of
them immediately after the initial hoax, in most cases before they
were published. Somehow, the two old 8” x 10” black and white
‘glossies’ had survived the purge, forgotten about until Behmer had
stumbled across them among old papers in the bottom of the dusty old
file drawer he was cleaning out, in a back room of one of the small
weekly papers owned by the “Freedom Chain”, which also owned the
Odessa American.
Although I had seen the photos published, along
with a third one, in the distant past, and even had a magazine in my
collection which had them in it, my examination of those actual,
clear and full-sized photos, allowed me to corroborate the rumor
that the “aliens” were in fact shaved rhesus monkies, just as I had
heard. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen the photos or the magazine
since 1974, taken by the CIA thief woman who was associated with Jim
Parsons (the “M.I.B.”), and who had also lived with the French CIA
“UFOlogist”, Jacques Vallee, for two years. In 1980,1 found books in
her personal library in her apartment in Santa Fe, which were stolen
in 1974, along with the photos and the magazine, before I even knew
her personally.
It was obvious that she took the unrelated books for
her private collection, while collecting the important saucer
conspiracy evidence, such as the photos and my magazine, for the
government. When I caught her with the books, she said “...ohh,
don’t you remember giving those to me?” I answered, “I couldn’t have
given them to you before I knew you, now could I?”
As an artist, I have been known for my ability to draw accurately
from memory. I used to do many of my paintings that way, when I was
in Austin. I did a series of large “genre” paintings (with
‘ordinary’ people in them), usually based on the Austin environs. I
would often ‘borrow’ the face of someone I knew, if it seemed to fit
well into the character in a painting. In fact, some of the faces I
borrowed were those of some of my professors, usually in jest, in
satire, or sometimes worse. One of my large paintings was about 5’ x
7’, entitled “Winos at 6th and Red River Streets”.
As one man
exclaimed when he saw it, “Hey! I knows dat dude! He’s da’ one whut
sells dem fishin’ baits down by da’ river, ain’t he!” One of my
professors was a little startled to find his face on one of the
winos who was just rounding a corner to join his friends, with a
bottle in a sack under his arm. Using my old skills, I will attempt
to reconstruct the two photos.
Rulers of a corporate-state society perpetrate as many confusing
controversies as possible, so that individual members of the public
will become so frustrated to attempting to do their own thinking,
that they will finally give up and accept the state’s Big Lies,
spoon-fed to them through a controlled media.

(NOTE: The fake ‘saucer’ was about 12’ in diameter, and had a plexiglass bubble on it, with a slightly bent automotive radio
projecting above it. The rivets, screws, and stock aluminum parts
were obvious. It was clear from the environments in which the
‘saucer’ and the ‘aliens’ were photographed, that the photos had
made before the ‘crash scene’ had been ‘discovered’.)
The Intelligence personnel who created the hoax, were prohibited
from disclosing classified information. Since the secret saucers
they used on the bases at Ft. Bliss, White Sands and Holloman, were
classified, they could not use one of them as an “alien” saucer.
fake saucer created for the hoax, was apparently the product of
amateur metal workers, because the base where it was fabricated did
not have a competent design or fabrication facility at the time. It
was a pathetic failure, because, had it been an “alien saucer”,
created by an advanced civilization, capabable of producing advanced
technology capable of coming from light years away, it would have
been even more advanced than the German saucers or early American
prototypes possessed at the area’s secret bases.
This early incursion into the special effects, prop-building and
hoax-creation, by the “national security” spooks, was apparently a
bitter lesson, which eventually led to them getting “professional
help” from the movie industry labor pool. They not only produce much
better hoaxes today, but have highly advanced cloaking and ‘stealth’
devices to conceal the saucers, such as special, color-changing
surfaces, combined with color and image sensors, which make the
saucers look like the background they happen to be hovering or
flying in, similar to a chamelion. Anything for a buck, the sky’s
the limit.

When a Big Lie is afoot, all who know the truth must be given a
piece of the action, be discredited, or be eliminated. By
maintaining a rocket program, the huge corporations and their
employees are committed to supporting it, to acquiescing in the hoax
which makes them rich, and sells very expensive rockets and
chemicals at our expense. NASA propaganda is everywhere, especially
in toy stores.
An almost sacrosanct, religious aura surrounds this
Nazi Big Lie. Playgrounds have ‘space shuttle’ toys to ride,
‘science’ TV programs instruct children on the Big Bang Lie, as if
ultimate and immutable truth. This is no different that old Soviet
‘space’ propaganda, with posters everywhere, showing rosy-cheeked
children building rockets in science classes, and colorful and heroicized portraits of “Soviet Cosmonauts”.
I’m not an old crank complaining about “somma them new-fangled
rockets”. I’m complaining about archaic rocket technology, when we
have the flying saucer, which belongs to us because we paid for it.
It is tantamount to purchasing wagons and horses when we have trucks
and cars, or cap-and-ball muskets, when we have AR-15s. Give us what
we paid for, not some old piece of mediaeval junk which runs on crap
dumped on us at exorbitant prices by the chemical cartels!
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